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Everything posted by grovsey

  1. id be doing the ground work now on hooding ,not expencive for a good hood mate regarding a raptor post u can make one for next to nothing with some gas drain pipe they lay in the street,u be amazed at how little they bait and also no damage to the tail ect and alsi there at a good high for when u pick them up and ur not towering above them,here is a example mate.the top pic with the bullets is just to show and example and id never use them to tether a bird ,i put a tiny carabina there and attach the birds swivel to it
  2. falconry is a joke now days ,there are more birds bout than land for people to fly on in most regions,then they go out and buy there bird that they go no idea about the breeding ect just see the price in the paper ect 'harris for sale £200' but some stuff of ebay then get home woith out hardly ever being out with a bird and not even found a experianced mentor not some one that had had a bird for a season or two then wonder what went wrong when it does ,i can understand why they get soe excided but faclrony centres,displays and the law have a lot to do with this
  3. what was the birds fat weight ???
  4. do you not think a screen perch or post would of helped u out cos of the baiting issue as this prevents it no ends.im a big fan of just letting the bird settle in over a few weeks before going much manning and found it to be alot better than picking hte bird up from day one alot.also hooding every bird ,this is such a plus when dealing with weighing ,transit,working on furnature ect so many plus's
  5. if the bird escapes from on its perch that is down to bad bird management 99% of the time with people doing single knotts or poor knots ect..school master its just a jase of the por state of falconry in the uk and the fasion it has become to own a bird
  6. just a few more photos from today (sorry im a bit camara happy at the moment) hahaha hi mate just a pointer your jessies are in the wrong way they go in from the outside in
  8. ok i might take it out tomorrow then cheers mate also what do you suggest as tirings mate chicken necks or rabbits legs with meat stripped of them,the biggest error new 'falconers' do is put the bird on the glove and just have it sat there ,with a tiring the bird has to works for a long period of time to get the meat and this way the glove becomes a great place to be and not just a buckskin perch lol i heard chicken or turkey necks are good mate with the rabbit legs do you mean strip the meat off? i still have some rabbit in the freezer also i take it i start using tirings when he
  9. quality mate just look at those eyes she looks great mate. how she getting on mate She's fine mate,she weighs 3.1 and her feathers are perfect she comes out every day even though she is moulting and is 100% happy even going to sleep on the fist while watching telly, spend as much time as you can with thor, get him freelofted and you will reap the rewards... a happy bird is a loyal bird.. as for your astro turf imho leave it you can easily hose it down which will easily soak away, im going to pm you my mobile if you need a chat. if this bird is in moult she should be left alone to mou
  10. grovsey


    if a person gets a mentor good enough he can fly ANY bird he wants its all about the mentor ,!!! people keep saying get a harris get a harris why its all down to expericance and the problem is people dont get good mentors.he could fly a gos
  11. grovsey


    try spending a season with someone over winter as its not always a bed of roses as alot think it is as they see the birds at show ect and i feel these shows ect should be banned in the uk as its making the sport to accesable and people are just going out buying a bird with hardly any knowlage and that really p>>ses me of as no end.i have seen it ovr and over again birds getting mistreated,lost over and over again due to these shows and falconry centers doing bird days ,these are all about making money period .i beleive you should have to do an apprentaship before you can get a bird ,this
  12. whats amazing these days is cos the price of a harris is now around 200 not many people will buy telem and when it goes missing a reward is put up ,but if the prices where like when they where frist introduced to the uk and prices around 1500-2,000 i bet they would have put telem on then ,i do hope u get your bird back but make this a lesson learned.
  13. ok i might take it out tomorrow then cheers mate also what do you suggest as tirings mate chicken necks or rabbits legs with meat stripped of them,the biggest error new 'falconers' do is put the bird on the glove and just have it sat there ,with a tiring the bird has to works for a long period of time to get the meat and this way the glove becomes a great place to be and not just a buckskin perch lol
  14. still think there is no need for the astro at all ,if u got pea gravel on the floor there should not be a issue just keep the leash as short as poss and no harm will come of the bird ,just man it proper andyou will have a good bird so use tirings as much as poss
  15. link not working what bird was it
  16. get rid of the astro turf out the muse as it harbours jerms and its not needed ,nice set up mate but one thing u should look at is a double door as when the bird is in moult of free lofted it can escape now or or put some plastic strips to prevent this , ian
  17. hi fella it could be a few things ,over weight ,not got clue what to do yet so get it on dummy bunny ,canu give more info on the bird mate age ,sex,weight
  18. hi all im getting back into fields sports after having a few yrs of with back issues and im currently training up a springer and im in need for some cured rabbit skins if anyone can help me out please . ian
  19. as about got a 3/4 length mossy oak real tree jacket in large £45 nice thick 3/4 tweed jacket for sale £45 meet local the st helens if interesred email me grovsey1@hotmail.com
  20. i would do rope training as alot quicker to do ,not as boring and works a treat
  21. located in sthelens merseyside ,will take some NO TEXT TALK PLEASE and get measurements of cabinate
  22. 12g over /under,ejector ,30'' and 28'' barrels comes with 3 gun cabinate £200
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