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Everything posted by grovsey

  1. the chinese chippy be gutted they missed out on tha much meat
  2. are you going to spend 800 on teleme i dont think so as the harris is only 150 so why waist that much on a harris when it cost so much ,can always go out and buy another
  3. go on ur going about it all arse over tit and you dont take advice,u said you could not find anywhere nr u and i went on google and found about 4 places so you looked really hard didnt ,ur the type that wants everything handed to them on a plate ,go about it the proper way and become a proper falconer instead of being another muppet to the sport
  4. grovsey

    mews heating

    i have used tube heater in the past due to the way my tetherings are set up in the muse so the lower level have tubes under the shelf perches ,but a jasp says free loft them high and keep al drafts of them u be fine or put them in giant hood and bring them in of you worried
  5. how you know ur going to like it as it not all sunshine and roses like most think ,any why but a cheap telemetry if you know its the sport for you ,u get what you pay for in telem ,same as anyother hobby as you say most learned as they went along and how many of them f****d up the bird like it happens over and over again ,then u se the birds for sale how much hunting land have you aquired yet ? what quarry you got to go at on the land ? how often you going to fly ?
  6. u want to make something that you can cover the front up in the moult ,id have a piece of ply on a hinge so you can close the front barred section up fella
  7. why u buying all this when u not found anyone to mentor you or you not even been oout with someone yet it dont make any sence at all ,the way it does read is you going to buy the gear and get a bird soon, have you ever been out with bird of pray
  8. could u put a backpack on it and use ur current transmitter mate,i think u will have to make one but not hard to make mate i have been thinking about it mate but this little bird is a bad chewer am constantly changeing anklets and jesses she goes straight frew them lol hence why ive never tryed a back pack have used them on merlins like thanks for the input and all the best for the season atb james could u put a backpack on it and use ur current transmitter mate,i think u will have to make one but not hard to make mate i have been thinking about it mate but this litt
  9. look at other peoples link on here
  10. could u put a backpack on it and use ur current transmitter mate,i think u will have to make one but not hard to make mate
  11. where u shopping for the gear as i want to know where its that cheap ,what u pay for a couple of book u pay for a decent glove
  12. you will never know if the people are ok at the meeting until u go ,u seem you have made you mind up before you have gone
  13. if your compaining on the amount you have spend on a few books then falconry is not a sport for you,you got the cost of all the equipment to but,the ,a quality muse to build ,upkeep.vet bills that can and are expencive in raptors (nothing like what u pay for a cat or dog) .aslo who going to look after it if and when u want a holiday ect this is not a cheap sport if you compaining about spending a few pounds on books .
  14. there is lots of factors including .weather ,how hard u fly the bird ,how health the bird is in ect ect .normal food giving the hawks in flying/hunting condition is d.o.c's and rabbits ,some use supplients.and i dont mind giving a bit of partrage,quail ect if the bird is having a day of.in the moult ur giving mainly lots of high quality foods like the latter i mentioned. a long wing u can give them and better of giving them high quality foods as these are like a farrari compared to a harris that is more like a mini ,you can crop up a faclon and if you watch it you can almost see it going down
  15. where does this question come from as it seems strange ,i can understand a queation as in what does a bird eat day to day but asking about a perticular bird seems more odd.read ,read and read and when u get someone to help you out ask them as many questions as u can.thats why ur better going ur local club and making friends there ,u might have to go for a few month running before someone take u serious as people wont just take u one the first time as there are alot of messers coming into the sports ,i personally wont and not in a bad away just i want to know there serious about the sports and
  16. go to the meeting mate as u will meet loads of falconers
  17. going of what u wrote at the top u are rushing as i said ur saying u cant find a mentor and not looked long
  18. only yesterday u was asking for a mentor on another thread and not u started this one and ur saying ;its looking like your going to have to do it on urs own,there is no way u have been and contact all them links i posted on ur other link ,u have no way been to the monthly shropshire meets,what on earth it te rush you will get what u put in ,in this sport and rushing the way ur going is only going to end in another bird being f****d UP ,
  19. u say u have emailed a guy from a clud ,have you been along to the club ? have you joined the club ?
  20. we dont fly in summer month as this is when the bird is in moult. regarding the hours ur working a gos would not suit you at all ,ur will be looking more at a harris /redtail to suit ur life style and work commitments
  21. alot of people work shifts so can fly that way or they will fly them on the lamp during the week ,some do high jumps to try keep them fit when not flying but no whee nr as good as the real thing same as rope training , goshawks cant be hard work with the amount of times u need to fly them a week the get the aount of kills ,i think ideally 5 times a week also there not a bird u can f**k about with like you can get away with a harris ,as long as you get the experiance of a person who knows whatthere doing you can fly any bird you want at first not just a harris like you hear alot on the net.
  22. nice to see commitment to the sport NOT ,but u can buy a harris for 150 instead and then if u dont like it get shut i guess ur right .
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