hi its a good photo of her they are shortish at the mo but did grow 1/2 inch last week ,she has got long first and rubys tail touches the ground and she has lots of loose skin
what cross? think someone had you over mate !!
think some one has beddiewhippetxgreyhoundbeddie are your sure
you must have been miles away when you took the pic lol!!
hi am abit worried myself at the mo she has grown 1/2 inch in a week last week .seen the mum which was a 1 cross beddiewhippit and was told the dad was a greyhound beddiebeddie .what u lot think
hi just got back from taking ruby out over the farm with the gun too;fire it its a 12 bore and she was as good as gold ,ruby is a beddiewhippit xgreyoundbeddie and am very pleased with her just want her legs to grow hope they do
hi there this is ruby now 16 weeks ,teacheing her to retrieving she brings it back spot on at the mo and happy to please me ;can not wiat for her to grow ,she has gone long at the mo just need her to get leg ,ruby is a beddiewhippitxgreyhoungbeddie
i have a 14 week beddie whippet greyhound measuring 12 inches, she seems to be getting very long in the body but not in the leg! her tail is now touching the floor and she is looking very out of proportion is this the norm from this kind of cross as i have always had greyhounds befor and they are so lankey there funny.
that means its your post so you know what you have posted
hope this helps we all get one if we put a post up no one else can see it but us.
cheers for the info, you learn something new every day. many thanks
hi all, i got my 13week old beddie whippitxgreyhound beddie pup from a guy off this web site called splash he is from southhampton and was wondering if any one else bought one of these pups he has since gone off line and it would be good to see and hear about any other pups from this litter there were eight all together so they are out there sonewhere!
I really should just have a look at my trigger because its so good I recon my dealer must have just changed it as you do. The 453 is meant to be a completely new design and/but it is also a set trigger..........I have never seen/used a 453 so I don't know if it is any better, but I do not like set triggers!
Win some lose some!
the trigger on the cz 453 is a set trigger i think lads but you can adjust it if you dont want it as a set trigger
cheers lads have red all your replys and they were all helpful, have now orderer my trigger kit and will let you all know how i get on
hi took my new cz 22 rimfiire vermint 16 inch barrel out to set it up and the trigger is shit .just order a trigger kit for it hope that does the trick.
we have a whippet beddy greyhound pup who is also nine weeks old, she is really good during the day and night although i am at home to keep letting her out and we have found that if we crate her at night she will not fowl in her bed unless she is busting, we let her out about at six in the morning and put her out befor bed about eleveish. we were told never to give our pup pedigre as it can cause lots of poo! we have slowly put our pup onto dry food with small a amount of raw meat and she loves it. good luck with your pup he looks a cracker.
this is ruby, she is 9 weeks now and is beddy whippet greyhound. she is chewing everything and is making herself very comfy at home! she has a great character and has become part of the family already. ruby's coat is already lovely and broken but her colouring is changing daily.