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Everything posted by hotdog

  1. your so right mate, we had noticed that through other posts. she is a true little working bitch and as you say that is all that matters! wouldnt part with her.
  2. cheers lads, he really does enjoy being out on the land and his love for the sport is already showing. i cant wait for him to become my working mate and to get him his own little working dog!
  3. thanks lads for taking the time to add to my post, he really is a little cracker av never had such a calm dog and he is always so eager to please.
  4. he is half whippet quarter greyhound and quater beddie. 161/2 inches at four months. hoping he will make about 21 ,22ish.
  5. this is myself and my three year old son who thinks that ferreting is great!
  6. took sam out to watch a bit of ferreting today and he was brilliant, he watched and waited, then i let him go to hold one in the net while i got to it. he was off the lead most of the time and for four months old i cant fault him. he is very gentle with the ferret and really good with all the other farm animals. i hasen to add sam did not catch the rabbit in the picture as he is far to young to be doing any of that yet we were just letting him get used to things.
  7. not quite sure where this is all coming from? my bitch is 15inches about the size of her dam who was a long legged jack russel and the sire was a pure breed patterdale. if its the picture that is not doing her justice i appolagise but no i did not breed her myself and she is a wee cracking little bitch, so for the guy that said she looks like a labrador i suggest you get your eyes tested mate or may be your not quite sure on your dog breeds?
  8. is there anyone in sussex that does ratting with terriers
  9. [sasha injured herself while out running that was to leave her permenantly lame and on pain killers for the rest of her life and we made the hardest decision we have ever had to make and that was to put her to sleep, she was born to run and to never be able to allow her to run free would have been a crime we were all gutted as she was such a big part of our lives.
  10. hi to all, this is my six month old patterdalexjack she is as keen as mustard and is pushing rabbits out already, i would love to introduce her to some ratting but my land is not suitable, are there any lads in sussex that would let me tag along to show her the ropes with there dogs. cheers reg please pm me if any help can be arranged.
  11. hi just a quick up-date on my new pup sam, he is 1/4greyhound 1/4beddie 1/2 whippet, he is three and a half months now and 16, 1/2 tts and growing all the time. been busy with his lead training and his recall is very good already, he has a really gentle nature and is clean in the house already. he will never take my sasha's place but he is helping to fill the very large gap that she left! what do you all think of him?
  12. Thank you, There's plenty there to keep me busy :thumbs-up: ATB hi mate where u from am from eastbourne if u need a hand ,reg
  13. just took sam my 4 month old whippitxgreyhoundbeddie in with me to feed the chickens ,he was brillant didnt look to chase them was so calm was well pleased
  14. does anyone do any ratting in east sussex ,as would like to teach my young terrier.thanks reg
  15. hi has anyone on here got a pup out of the same litter as i do,they where in the countrysmans weekly three weeks a go from essex whippitxbeddiegreyhound
  16. [keep um coming lads, havnt laughed so much in ages.
  17. i have a unwanted pair of very handsome red partridge pekin bantams that i was given but dont really have the room to keep, they are free to a good home but must be picked up. im in east sussex.
  18. love the picture of mum with her pups on the floor and in the back ground dad taking it easy on the sofa!! they are a real credit to you
  19. [i lost my bitch last week and my heart feels for you mate, it broke my heart, you dont realise how much you'd miss them untill they arent there any more. found myself a new pup to bring on for next season he wont ever replace my bitch but he is keeping me busy and the bond will come with time.
  20. hi mate sam is 1/2 whippit 1/4 greyhound 1/4 beddie .well pleased with him what does anyone else think of my pup
  21. this is sam, he is 1/2whippit 1/4greyhound 1/4 beddy. 15tts at 12 weeks mum and dad were both 22 inches so he should make around that. well chuffed with him.
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