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Everything posted by Lid

  1. Not sure, but I'd rather we stopped any future ban instead of stockpiling. Comparing the lead compounds in old lead based paint to solid lead shot is scare mongering. Lord Krebs as a scientist should know better! As to bird deaths, this is a more complex as I believe grinding lead in their crops makes it much more likely to be toxic for them than for mammals. However that's assuming they eat enough in he first place to kill them?
  2. Lead paint contains compounds of lead such lead oxide and lead carbonate - these are most definitely toxic. However metallic lead in the form of shot is usually harmless to humans, especially because it simply passes through us if eaten. I am looking for research to back this up. So far I found this, but may not be a great example as I don't think these deer hunters would be using shotguns and small shot.
  3. Blimey and there's me thinking that all EU countries followed a similar set of rules? We have it over cooked here in the UK for sure!
  4. I saw something about lead shot a few weeks ago and now this unbalanced item recommending banning lead shoot today: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-34861602 How can we stop this and also forever being hounded about anything?
  5. I think you'll find it is in some EU member states. Well I never knew that!
  6. Self defence is not a legitimate use for privately owned firearms though, both in Europe and in the UK, however tempting it might be to do this. Regarding the EU proposals, it wouldn't surprise me if the UK government tried to ban semi auto .22 rimfire now and even semi auto shotguns, whether FAC or SGC. I have suggested writing to your mps and meps in the other thread about this before any future ban is upon us.
  7. Please also email you mp and your meps. This site finds your mps and meps and helps you email them. This is what I sent to my mp, although I sent the email directly because I know him. I am going to add a bit more about Belgium when I send something to my to my meps. However I will also wait to see how my MP responds too.
  8. Well the opinion in this thread is for that amount go for an SLR and a couple of lenses. Personally I would buy new or secondhand with a warranty. I have bought several expensive SLRs secondhand in the past from private sales and ended up with repair bills. There's a good number of SLR in the £250 - £400 price range now, like the canon 1200D. However I find the starter model canons a bit small myself. Can you get to a camera shop? TBH it is difficult to make a specific recommendation for cameras as if you are going to photograph wildlife, you'll probably need a zoom lens too. It also d
  9. Lid


  10. Not really, although it can do. Some makes of cameras, such as canon have model groupings and within each group the higher number is usually newer or better. But the relationship between groups themselves may not follow any reliable pattern. So sticking with canon SLR cameras, a canon EOS 7D is better than an EOS 70D which is newer and therefore better than an EOS 60D, all of which are better than then an EOS 1200D. Except that as things advance the lower models get better than all the older ones. I hope this makes sense, as to be honest looking at model numbers is not really very u
  11. I've just seen the official government advice on what to do if confronted by a Paris style attack here. People who find themselves hiding ........ who wrote this? A more official rendering is here : https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/recognising-the-terrorist-threat/recognising-the-terrorist-threat
  12. As long as the money is not one the issues, I would just do it. What's her view on angling though as you said you used to fish too?
  13. Lid


    So sorry to hear this sad news.
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34853657
  15. Mine was a knackered old BSA meteor (I think) 177 when I was about 11. Some toerag trespassing youths had been using it to shoot duckilings on our river with it. They ran away when confronted, dropping this air rifle. I used it for about 3 years succesfully on pigeons and rabbits. It had no adjuster on the open site and shot about 3" high to the right at 20 yards.That's my excuse if I miss something now!
  16. I know men and women who are certain they were always gay and I have seen others who have been turned. According to history, homosexuality was well known in ancient civilisations like the Greeks and Romans.
  17. Lid


    Wasn't there a bomb threat call earlier? If so then it doesn't sound like ISIS.
  18. I think it's one of the arguments against better relaxed gun laws here and in Europe.
  19. I am not sure if flowers will combat terrorism, but this is an interesting conversation : https://www.(!64.56:886/jrous92/videos/vb.599355486/10156190732035487/?type=2&theater
  20. I think we should all go out and shoot or catch something (and I don't mean a muslim ). This thread is a certainly waste of time, imo.
  21. I noted in the report on Jihadi John's killing that the US claim to have killed on average one mid to upper-level Isil leader every two days since May : Col. Steve Warren, Pentagon spokesman
  22. There is widespread condemnation from many areas of the world and from many different communities, including Muslims. Here is an example from the Muslim Council of Britain.
  23. According to the BBC, muslim prayers in the streets of Paris were stopped in 2011.
  24. I've never been there, so let me know what it's like please. Interestingly my paternal grandparents, who were native Ceylonese, were automatically Citizens of the British Commonwealth, English was their first language and they were issued with British passports.
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