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Everything posted by Lid

  1. What has Norway population size got to do with it, there are plenty of small countries in, and trying to get in that simply cost us more! Norway doesn't have a problem staying out! The point is that we can't confidently use what is happening in countries with small populations like Norway and Switzerland as a gauge for how leaving will impact us when are population is so much larger.
  2. Using Norway as a comparison for what might happen in the UK may not be realistic as their population is only 5.27 million. I am also still undecided - I am reliant on business confidence here to make a living, which means I need to be confident this won't be affected much if I vote No.
  3. My first 2 air rifles had open sights and I also used to shoot a .22 rimfire with open sights.
  4. I have caught them on live shrimp too.
  5. Is that the Canon PowerShot SX60 HS? The spec will be fine for what you want and more. The only thing I'd mention is the max ISO of 3200, which means that you are a bit restricted in very low light conditions without flash, like at an indoor show or action shots at dawn or dusk. However it is still good though and even if there is an alternative that goes to a higher ISO, the picture quality may be poor (ie too much noise). I don't think you'll find it too technical to use, as you can stick with a couple of the programs for most use. I have the SX40 for when I need portability, like for ho
  6. https://fullfact.org/health/junior-doctors-pay-short-introduction-dispute/
  7. It is not possible to run a 7 day health service without 7 day resources across the board. The government are idiots to think otherwise. I support them, but it is very sad it has got this far and I don't think they should have dropped emergency cover.
  8. This is apparently an unbiased fact check of the leaflet.
  9. If I had to choose three, it would be jugged hare, roast pheasant and roast leg of british lamb. However I love loads of other things too. I really dislike mustard though - if it is strong it makes me gag.
  10. Very sad. My deepest condolences to her family and friends.
  11. Having read some reviews, it only appears to have preset auto modes and no manual or semi manual functions. The time lag looks a bit long too and in continuous frame mode, it only does 4 shots at 1 frame per sec before slowing down. It has video, but only 720p. Personally I'd spend more and get something better.
  12. Another example of persecuting people carrying out perfectly legal activities!
  13. I believe this is the full text relating to that found in his book The River War(1899) :
  14. RIP. Great film. We did it as a school play one year, including using a live kestrel!
  15. I don't know who your missus' car is insured with, nor what make it is, but many insurers appoint a 3rd party claims management company to coordinate everything if the other party's insurers accept full liability. This happened to us recently, but the company given to us were useless and only use their own approved repairers who were also not much good. I sacked them and used another independent claims handling company. They brought a hire car round the next day and helped me organise the repairs at the garage of my choice.
  16. There's no noticeable lag on the Canon SX60. I agree not as good as DSLR, but it's really not bad at all, especially with the massive zoom range and performance at higher ISOs. This photo was taken with an older Olympus bridge camera, an SP590UZ:
  17. Well I use a canon DSLR, which with the right lenses is going to cost more than £500. However when I go on holiday, I often take a bridge camera like this one and I am perfectly happy with the results. This particular canon has a huge 35mm-equivalent focal range of 21-1365mm. A review is here.
  18. I can't see that anyone has posted this, but did these hares go into the food chain. If not it is criminal?
  19. Hi mate and welcome. Click on your name on the top right of the screen, select My Profile. On the right of this screen select Edit my Profile. On the next screen the Photo stuff is the first option - mine has a button saying Change my Photo.
  20. Just £5 from me if some-one's adding up
  21. Lid


    Congratulations to you all!
  22. Very nice indeed. Does the 1.4 extender shown in the EXIF have any effect on focusing or other aspects of lens operation? Are they the jpg straight out the camera, or do you process the raw files?
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