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Everything posted by Lid

  1. Lid


    If you go to Zakynthos (Zante), you can find these :
  2. Lid


    The Greek islands and the med in general don't have the same quality snorkelling/diving though.
  3. Lid


    I second Antigua - been about 6 - 7 times, although not since 2010. It has less rain than most of the others, a small population and lots of great beaches. What time of year are planning to go? Edit - just seen you're not going now!
  4. I agree that speed is factor in accidents, but I disagree with the relentless use of speed traps all over the shop and useless bloody variable speed limits all over the motorways. Especially in modern car, it is all too easy to slip a good few mph over the limit without even trying for all sorts of reasons. Forever watching out for the traps and multiple limit signs (M25 the other day - 50, then 60, then 50, then 60 and no real traffic) is actually more dangerous than slipping over the limit now and then. Good luck in your case, Wales1234
  5. Wilf point is spot on. I am sure she would simply have given it over had she been requested to. Years ago I found a a wallet containing money outside my local pub, but nothing in it to identify the owner. I asked around, including in the chip shop next door, and then handed it to the new pub landlord personally. A few days later the real owner was traced by the chip shop as a regular customer and so I went to get the wallet. However it was gone and the chip shop assumed I'd nicked it. I had to send them round to speak to the pub landlord directly. Since then if I find money or wallets etc, I
  6. The general scientific opinion is that fish do not feel pain. If they did, then this would be very wrong, let alone the practice of ikizukuri.
  7. It's certainly giving a boost to the FN and Marine Le Pen : https://www.marine2017.fr/2017/02/03/lettre-de-marine-edito-n6/
  8. That's disgusting. Very sorry for you and your family. Sentence should be rest of natural life, no release ever.
  9. There's due governmental process and then there's Trump. He simply can't keep acting like a spoilt dictator. From what I can see with a quick search, US presidential executive orders still have to be ratified by the courts and can be chucked out.
  10. Sealed 25 litre Drum of ROCK OIL HLP 46 Hydraulic Oil. The drum is a bit dirty and a little dented here and there, but it is not broken, as shown in the pictures. £30 - Collection only from Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
  11. They already do, If torturing a terrorist for information saves hundreds of lives so be it. What other method of extraction can you think of?? free meals and holidays for life for any information given?? I know, that is why I said 'will feel justified'! One thing is for sure, we have no clue whether or not physical torture of suspected terrorists will achieve anything. It's 2017 - we now have effective ways to obtain information without waterboarding,etc. There's plenty of material out there via google, for example.
  12. It's interesting that the only posts on this thread so far are in favour. However in my opinion the state should never be allowed to torture nor kill. When they have these powers, there is nothing to stop the state from torturing and killing whoever they want to. But it's only for those who've committed crimes that are evil enough or severe enough to warrant it, say many. Unfortunately that argument simply does not hold water, and history has proven this. By condoning torture (and capital punishment), we make civilised society no better than the barbarians we fear. There are ways to ex
  13. All this could have been avoided if the referendum had been made legally binding in the first place, (which would have required a vote in parliament as a matter of course). I was a remainer, but now I just wish they get on with it. There is no need for anymore delay!
  14. Going back to the reason for this offshoot discussion, I don't think that teaching that dog to react to the phrase about gassing Jews constitutes a belief. And going back to the original topic, the Snoopers Charter is a step too far, and more importantly it is unlikely to achieve its so called aims.
  15. One reason for a limit is to prevent situations getting out of hand. Freedom of expression does not mean some-one can go around grossly insulting others, as an example. When I was a teenager I was often subjected to racism that you would be arrested for now. Now I am not saying these people should be arrested - far from it - but there needs to be limitations prescribed by law or we have anarchy which would lead to violence. The same applies in many circumstances. Would it be OK to say whatever you like to an attractive women in the street such as innuendos, observations about her body or s
  16. I agree that many of these so called offences are over the top and arresting that bloke was unnecessary. However there has to be a limit to what is permissible and in my view that one over-stepped it and so something had to be done. There does need to be some kind of law, but it should be balanced and more importantly 'enforced' with common sense.
  17. Teaching a dog to react to "Do you wanna gas the Jews" and posting the video online is pretty damn stupid and clearly offensive, imo.
  18. A good viewpoint here, imo : https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/discussion/how-much-is-riding-on-having-nothing-to-hide and a longer one here https://www.openrightsgroup.org/assets/files/pdfs/reports/digital-surveillance.pdf
  19. I had a Morris Marina estate and then an Austin Princess. I am not sure if I can rate one above the other - both were hopeless.
  20. The EOS 450D is somewhat old now, I feel. However there doesn't seem to be a new Canon within budget apart from the 100D and the 1300D. There is the 700D, but the more expensive 760D is better. I haven't used Nikon myself, but the reviews suggest that a Nikon D3300 is very good and its cheaper.
  21. Both those lenses are good, although you have a gap between 55 and 75. There's lots of lens reviews out there - I tend to use dpreview. However personally I'd want a better body than the 100D.
  22. That should be plenty. I use Canon DSLR and I have a Canon bridge camera for holidays, etc. The DSLR is great, but I need to carry a couple of lenses and change them when out and about. My bridge camera is a Canon Powershot SX40 and has a superzoom lens. It handles high ISO very well to and find it more than adequate and very convenient. It has been replaced with the Canon Powershot SX60 now which has an even bigger optical range on the lens. Info here. For you budget you could get either a budget DSLR and a couple of lens (just), or maybe the latest Tamron megazoom. Or you could simply go
  23. Apparently both teams are going to wear them anyway! See http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/international/fifa-poppy-ban-england-scotland-fa-players-will-wear-remembrance-day-a7393591.html
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