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Everything posted by Lid

  1. There are around 150 different causes of dementia, so saying someone has dementia is no diagnosis at all!
  2. Personally I believe our current electoral system is highly flawed and it is totally unfair and every government we get is elected by a minority of the electorate, even if they win a large majority of seats through our 'first past the post' method. If we had proportional representation with a suitable cut-off of say 5% to keep the lunatics out of parliament, we would have a far fairer distribution of MPs that should really reflect the people's wishes. Granted it may give us no clear majority party to form a government, but again I don't believe putting one person in charge of anything big is t
  3. Try - its worked for me in the past. That's assuming you don't have to key the number plate for the ticket issue?
  4. It's been the same here in Hertfordshire since last night - practically non stop. Many roads have little floods and its bloody miserable. Glad I fixed the roof over last week!
  5. I don't think we should be concerned and I for one am happy to show any bona fide police person my firearm security, assuming I am in when they visit. However I wonder how many terrorists and other criminals think that obtaining guns from legal gun owners is a useful and efficient method to tool up. For one thing they have to find us first and then hope we have weapons that will be of use to them!
  6. When you sign up to this forums it tells you not to make posts asking for permission. However I guess you didn't see this, although I am sure it is mentioned more than once during the sign-up process. I have had the dubious pleasure of being both a permission giver and a permission requester. As a giver it was extremely rare that we let anyone on the land, especially as we all shot anyway, but interestingly we did let a pair of polite and smart young men on and in return they helped out on the farm from time to time! As a requester, I am extremely lucky to have friends and relatives who a
  7. Lid


    Yes a great film. We did it as a schol play sometime in the 70's and we used a real kestrel. I have photo somewhere of it on my shoulder. I was even asked to bring my air rifle in to school to shoot a few sparrows for it, which I duly did.
  8. Very sad. Condolences to her family and friends.
  9. Dave - I seriously recommend you get down to that local clay club and have some lessons or trial sessions before you start looking for your first gun. If you have never held a shotgun as you say, then you won't really be able to select one to buy yet. You wouldn't usually buy a car without learning how to drive first. Regarding your shotgun certificate, as long as you don't have any nasty prior convictions or a history of psychiatric illness, it is still your right to be granted one. Some useful info here : http://www.positiveshooting.com/GettingaLicence.html
  10. Hi Dave - if you don't mind me asking - how old are you and who is going to help you get started? I don't think you should buy your gun until after you have tried out some shotgun shooting with some-one who know how to instruct.
  11. Great read - thanks. Yes I am interested in how you put the trip together and whether you had to pay to be there ?
  12. Jugged hare : http://honest-food.net/2008/12/30/classic-civet-of-hare/
  13. I was talking to a police officer a few years back in Hunstanton and he told me that they identified 300 known paedophiles on the beach there one bank holiday weekend.
  14. Lid


    Do you get a new web page when you select it? If so, check that Forums are selected on the left hand side menu.
  15. I saw this episode on TV the other night and it was quite interesting. However it seems that the Daily Mail and p e t a have taken exception to someone eating humanely killed pests! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2763076/TV-chef-Hugh-sparks-animal-rights-outrage-reveals-My-son-shoots-squirrels-eat.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
  16. Good job there was a video of the incident. I thought the police officer was very professional and extremely well mannered!
  17. I recommend using the proper stuff - still available to the trade from here : http://www.creosotesales.co.uk/
  18. Great stuff. It was my daughter who got me back into fishing after a 20 year break when she was about 6 in Cornwall.
  19. Yup - Watts = Volts x Amps so Amps = Watts / Volts = 100 / 12 = 8.33 A .
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