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Everything posted by Lid

  1. Years ago I knew two different anglers who would catch many pike from weirs on the Thames, although to be fair not often particularly big, which I appreciate is what yo asked for. One guy roamed and used wobbled sprats in all sorts of odd places around the outflowing water of different weirs always catching several. The other used a punt and floatfished livebait/deadbait around a particular weir. Sometimes he'd catch 30 or more in one session!
  2. Many say that, but personally I prefer sparkling ciders. I started with dry blackthorn, paying about 12p a half when I was a teenager (ahem!). At the moment I enjoy most of the Bulmers range and also Magners. I also like many vintage sparkling ciders and French Normandy cider. However I find I can't drink Strongbow - what the hell is it?
  3. I remember reading recently that crows with white feathers are weaker than normal. I can't find a link now, although I did find this.
  4. I only drink cider. I don't like beer or lager. Saying that I'll drink wine too with a meal, but not bloody chardonnay.
  5. Haven't cooked rabbit pie for a while, but we used to put in a sliced boiled egg too.
  6. Bloody steaming failed completely just before landing and the alternative on periscope would not play on my Windows 10 desktop! Apparently this final flight was kept secret till about 30 mins before takeoff!
  7. Last flight in a few minutes : https://www.(!64.56:886/VulcanXH558/?fref=nf
  8. We've got one or two round here, plus crows and a blackbird!
  9. pesky1972 - you are right about the original article , which quite frankly is a rubbish piece imo, although it clearly does not call to abolish Remembrance Day. Personally I misunderstood the link in the original post and thought it was an article written by the Guardian themselves commenting on their own opinion columns. Who are or what is Brietbart anyway?
  10. He is an idiot. WWI and then WWII were immense and will not be forgotten for another 200 years at least. It is is also very appropriate to remember the fallen from smaller conflicts since then instead of having lots of different dates.
  11. I'm not sure if that's a question to me or other posters. I'm fine with tail docking whether the dog is working or not as it serves a proven purpose. I just don't feel the ear cropping is necessary. However if it is done under a decent anaesthetic, and when they are young, I guess it is not too much of an issue, as long as it does not cause other problems that the dog wouldn't have had with uncropped ears.
  12. Personally I don't agree with unnecessary work like that on any animal.
  13. I think more women believe in this stuff than men!
  14. Yes, but it does not make them all charlatans.
  15. Not all of them - many of them truly believe what they are doing is guided by spirits and they practise and train with each other to strengthen their beliefs. Personally I am agnostic about all this. I certainly think predicting the future is much less feasible than being able to tell things about some-one's past and present.
  16. Very nice, but watch out for the fecking antis.
  17. Slightly off topic but : "Crisis in global oceans as populations of marine species halve in size since 1970​" .
  18. Yeah - the point I'm now making is that I think many of us draw the line somewhere for whatever reason, as some-one pointed out in this thread about not wanting to shoot big cats. So I wouldn't go trophy hunting, I wouldn't fish for big sharks or sailfish and I really don't like horse racing at all. However I shoot rabbits, pigeons and pheasants, etc, I fish for many smaller species and I like show jumping. It may be hypocritical, but it is the way I feel.
  19. Ok so there appears to be justification in humans controlling the population. However personally I still would not be interested in hunting elephants and certainly would not want to pay to do so.
  20. http://www.issf-sports.org/news.ashx?newsid=2430 http://www.issf-sports.org/news.ashx?newsid=2431 ​
  21. What is the point of shooting an elephant for fun. I am the first to admit I enjoy shooting game and vermin, but I do feel there is always another purpose, like eating what I've shot, or reducing the numbers of accepted vermin and so protecting health, agriculture and the environment. However shooting this elephant seems pointless, unfair and probably required limited skill by the so called 'hunter'.
  22. https://www.(!64.56:886/VulcanXH558?ref=ts&fref=ts
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