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Everything posted by Lid

  1. The point I was trying to make, but badly worded in retrospect, is that if you go back 2000 years then a large proportion of the indigenous population is now 'foreign to these shores', as Patchthedog described Christianity. However I did not mean that they came from the Middle east at all!
  2. In the wake of the tragic atrocities in Paris yesterday, I can't help feeling that concelaed carry may have reduced the death toll, particularly in the Bataclan concert hall. Do you think I am right, or would allowing handguns for private citizens in Europe cause more problems and allow easier access to weapons for would be terrorists and criminals in general. Perhaps an alternative is to deploy more plain clothes armed defence personal throughout the areas of dense population.
  3. If you are going back that far, then so is most of the indigenous population. However the difference is that crimes against humanity are no longer committed in the name of Christianity. However these recent atrocities were committed in the name of Islam, albeit by misguided and brainwashed extremists.
  4. Whatever you get needs to fit. What's your budget?
  5. Belief in any religion is, imo, is a pure guess, so should not be more imoportant than living a good life. However this is not a thread about religion. Back on topic, the deliberate targeting of civilians is very wrong, as was the case in Paris yesterday and Beirut on Thursday, regardless as to what motives the perpertrators think they might have. I have heard there are calls to ban all sporting guns and rifles because of this outrage. How is that going to do anything? What we need to do is find all the illegal weopons that they have managed to get into europe.
  6. Interesting, I have not seen anyone sane try to justify these acts on Facebook or elsewhere on the web, although I have not been searching for extremist discussions. It is quite shocking if non terrorists are claiming it was justifiable!
  7. The trouble with that is how would anyone know the peaceful muslims from the hate filled backstabbing cowardly extremists? Should we just hope all the muslims we meet are the peaceful ones then one day possibly regret that decision? Or should we keep our guard up and avoid any further "surprises"? It might be less than ideal for the peaceful ones, but as I said earlier, their feelings have little bearing on keeping my countrymen safe. Of course we should keep our guard up and improve it even, but it is an overreaction imo to fear every muslim just in case they might be a terrorist
  8. This latest Paris massacre was a vicious and cowardly attack against innocent civilians and anyone involved should be properly punished/removed from Europe, etc.. However as some-one who is half English and half Sri Lankan Tamil (who are Hindu if you are wondering), I am concerned about the way many people have become so anti Islamic in general, that they suggest attacking law abiding citizens, such as corner shop keepers and garage workers, many of whom are not even Muslim, presumably simply because they have dark skin (as if that was an indicator of being Muslim). IMO we all need to tak
  9. Isis have claimed responsibility for Paris and state it is for France's involvement in bombing Syria. Only a few days ago ISIS bombed Beirut using suicide bombers, killing nearly 50 and injuring 250. An equally atrocious and cowardly act, although eclipsed by Paris now.
  10. I just heard about this now : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11995227/Paris-shooting-Many-feared-dead-live.html
  11. Lid

    Hunter Dies

    Very sorry to hear this. Condolences to her family and friends.
  12. Some good photos here. Regarding the couple of posts showing photos taken on 'manual', I would make two comments. Using manual setting still requires either using the camera's in-built metering or an external light meter. My guess is the in-built. Personally I tend to use aperture or shutter priority as usually I know which I want to fix for a specific shot. Then secondly was the focus mode manual or auto for these manual shots?
  13. You'd be lucky to find a camera shop round here. The internet has shut most of them down.
  14. It looks great - but the photo makes it look like he has a beard!
  15. I have a good Canon dslr with a few lenses and a flashgun. However I usually take a so called bridge camera on holiday and I am more than happy with them. I update it every 2 - 4 years. Currently I have Canon PowerShot SX40 HS. It has manual and auto settings and a massive zoom range with a 35mm equivalent 24 – 840 mm. It also does video, as do most these days. Looking on the Canon website this model is now replaced with the SX60 HS with an even wider zoom range (35mm equivalent 21 – 1365 mm). I always read 3rd party reviews in detail before selecting a camera though. Here's one for th
  16. I am not sure which section to put this in, so put it here: I just found this on my internet travels. What do you reckon: antis? lefties? travellers? kids, simple vandals?​
  17. An interesting split of opinions here. I have sheep and find some town/village dog walkers incomprehensively stupid. The last lot I encountered with a dog running through a field miles behind their other dogs stood next to an EA sign saying dogs must be kept on a lead and told me that because our sheep are fenced in, it is fine for her dogs to run around the empty neighbouring fields. I was barely able to respond politely. I would not want to harm any dog due to the incompetence of an owner, but I see nothing wrong with suggesting it would be shot it if necessary. Personally I'd not bother
  18. I would try to find her and say you have cctv evidence it was her dog that killed your sheep. Tell her if she does not pay you will go to the police. It might be worth telling her that if she does it again, the dog may receive a rapid lead injection.
  19. Sunburn weir?I have had some good pike sessions there with up to a dozen fish. Godstow Weir, Trout Inn, Oxford. I believe this weirpool is actually a 'sanctuary' for fish dating from the 1500s, but he used to fish it from a punt.
  20. Used to do it but don't now, just season the dish your making accordingly. Cheers, D. Salt water is not for seasoning though. It's described nicely in these forums here.
  21. And don't forget to soak the rabbit meat in salt water for at least overnight before cooking however you decide to cook it..
  22. It was my late grandmother's recipe. She was a farmer and just about all the food she made was cooked from scratch and bloody marvellous. I don't remember her rabbit pie recipe properly, other than the egg and also bacon in it.
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