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Everything posted by Bergman

  1. Nice one. Looking forward to watching that. Long time to wait. The black un is on the boil now for a good hunting DVD . That clip of it chasing the muskrat was fantastic. Few more of them on a DVD you got yourself a few dollars.bit pocket money for the missus. Be the first of its kind. Well done.top man
  2. Would love you to make a DVD of some kind. May be putting all the hunting clips to gether Or rearing a mink from kit to adult.would be something different.
  3. Think I'm sorted .thanks secretagentmole. Decker chill be happy Cheers
  4. Yet again.first class post been in the game for over 40years Never seen any thing like that. They still seem to have retained there Natural hunting instinct. Fast and furious. Nice to see the wife taking part.not many women brave enough to Pick them bad boys up.that is mink and rats. Keep em coming Cheers
  5. Thanks for the replies lads Don't want to check it every 5 mins Just want to check it.i take it if it's at say 11.3fts/lbs It always stays at that after every fill. I'm new to these rifles.had bsa mercury for the Last 35years and still going strong . Cheers
  6. I charge my rifle by bottle To check the ft/lbs Think chrono was what I was after Any advise on which one to get and the easiest one to use. At a reasonable price. One I could take with me. May be leave in boot or pocket. Thanks for the replies Cheers
  7. What is the best way to regularly check the lb age of my air rifle. With out spending a fortune.is there some thing pocket size or May be leave it in the boot of the car.just to be on the safe side While out in the field Cheers
  8. Excellent mate.do you use mink all the time not bother with ferrets Are the mink hand tame mate. Looking forward to your next post
  9. Cracking vid of the mink hunting the rats.notice how quick they kill the rats and when they find a rat they wag there tails.as a youg un had a Jill ferret that did the same when ratting in shit heaps on the allotments. Brave man picking them up alive.wouldent be me. Look forward to watching more.
  10. Think the Bruce and walker power lite came in make1 and then mark2. I had a 15foot mark 1 .good quality rods.bomb proof.think the mark 2 was a bit lighter in weight. Not a lot of money in second hand rods.its the reels that make the money If that's any help. Cheers
  11. Hi I've got a pair of. Russian tank drivers goggles. Had them for 15years + .well used when a bought them, but in good working order. Been put away on and of over the years when I was not using them. But for some reason this time they want switch on. Put new battery's in.had them in a box with the packets of the things you get When you buy cameras for the moister. Still no joy.any idears or no where I can get them fix. Cheers
  12. Hi maxwell Is that a hand held torch only.or can it be mounted on a rifle.eg 22and air rifle. Cheers
  13. Hi all. Been following the forum for a few months.loads of interesting topics. Looking forward to adding my bit. My interests.ferreting,shooting and fishing Cheers Bergman
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