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Everything posted by Cargol

  1. Why do I open my mouth! The b*****d was back last night. Big bugger. Don't know if it's the same one. Lol.
  2. Last year I had one come into the yard every couple of nights. About 1 in the morning the terriers would go nuts. Im sure it was suicidal. Used to get right up to one or the Kennels and then ball itself up. Just far enough away so the dogs couldn't get to it. Fecking thing I must have put it in the field at the end of the garden 4-5 times and the bloody thing kept coming back. Havnt seen it this year.
  3. Iv not read it yet bud so don't know. I like harcombes books but Iv read them all.
  4. Has anyone got the second John Broadhurst book for sale. My old man tried to get it for my birthday but had no luck.
  5. There should be a pinned post sonewhere
  6. Can you buy the poxy resin in clear? We put it down on the floors at work last year but it's a really bright red colour.
  7. Raised beds about 3-4 ft off the ground, then a blue barrel cut in half and put inside itself. Rubber matting and vet bed.
  8. I should have added that when I got my box back it looked brand new. And the serial number was different from the old box. It said reconditioned box on the invoice so maybe they used the old inners and put a new red case round it. But looks brand new.
  9. I'm not looking to put down anyone or there business mate. Its more to make lads aware as I didn't know the ins and outs of the warranty before this happened. So if it saves lads a few quid in the future then happy days.
  10. I'm moving my Kennels over the summer. Been looking at different ways to do it and how to have the drainage. Be worth it when it's done though.
  11. Yeah you caught me mate, lol. Do you a good deal though!
  12. I thought the same. And maybe I should have argued the point more. Surely if it's a complete unit that can't be opened or tampered with then all internal components should be included in the warranty?
  13. Lol. Feck me pal I was only having a laugh. You hurt my feelings now....
  14. It makes no sense to put a five year warranty on a box when the main component only has a one year warranty. I'm probably a tight b*****d but if I pay £300+ for something. I expect it to last longer then 18 months.
  15. I know a couple of lads that struggle turning them on and off. Have to use a stick or the end of the bar. I couldn't fault them or the box before today.
  16. Just a heads up that the five year warranty that comes with the red box is a load of bollocks. Sent mine back to them because it was losing battery power. Iv had it 18 months. I rang today and was told there was a fault with the battery and needs replacing. £35 because the battery only has a 1 year warranty. So basically the five year warranty covers the rubber box itself and feck all else. I wouldn't mind if the things didn't cost a fortune in the first place but to start going wrong after 18 months and not be covered under warranty is an absolute joke. Robbing b*****ds!
  17. Only spoke to him once on the phone. Lost any respect I may have come to have after that. I never rated his books over harcombes stuff. But I did enjoy the magazine. No better or worse then EDRD IMO though. I paid in full for the second years subscription and I got a full re-fund when he decided not to do anymore. No bother.
  18. Foxbolter, you really are an absolute twat. You have no f***ing idea how hard the average farmer works, what it's like lambing sheep 24 hours a day or the feeling in your stomach when your cattle are being tested for TB. You always post complete shit on here and make yourself look a c**t. If you don't know what your talking about don't comment. Its that simple.
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