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Everything posted by Slippery_Weasel

  1. 195 Quid!!! didnt see the price list You'd expect to BBQ it for that
  2. You may be surprised what some people will pay for There is a farm near where I go that offers 'Llama treking' which basically consists of walking a Llama round a short circuit of footpaths near where I go ferreting. One of the most surreal sights to be greeted by a column of walkers, each with a Llama at their sides. Edited to add: There seem to be people there almost everyday though
  3. I will be watching them go by but only because it is passing a mile or so from where I live. I was talking to someone the other day who goes to watch it every year. I cant remember the exact numbers of spectators he mentioned but he said that people were 10 deep along the side of the road. Considering I have hardly seen any prep for the event I think the area is not gonna know what hit it with the amount of people/cars etc. I suspect its going to be one of those times to not even bother trying to drive anywhere.
  4. I cant believe that the people of this country have become so detached from the the reality of how our food is prepared that a woman cooking a rabbit is considered a newsworthy topic... It would be funny if it wasnt so sad
  5. Because he aint swore at other members and his avatars not offensive Presumably because at least its better to know who he is rather than him just starting a new username.
  6. I cant believe the owner of the lab would risk raising a complaint when their dog went for you, all it would need I would have though was a counter claim that the dog went for you/you feared for your life etc and I would have though their dog would be on borrowed time. I had almost the exact thing last week where an off the lead collie tried to bite my dog, got a kick and then turned on me. The threads got me worried now lol
  7. Full English all day long..with haggis on it is even better, and toad in the hole... But I eat almost everything, except marzipan... its probably the only thing I dont like
  8. I can't take credit for it unfortunately, most of mine look like they were taken under water
  9. Its an experience lol very heart in mouth, downside of that is he is in sick bay as much as he is out of it lol.... I will give you a shout come the season, believe your not far from me
  10. Banjo's looking well mate .. . . big lads looking well also. They are going OK mate, just trying to get them back to something near fitness after a hectic few months. Hope all is good with you mate
  11. What is it you're wanting to have a go at mate?
  12. What an awesome idea, Would love to be a fly on the wall at some of the nearby police stations along the way when the poacher watch number starts ringing off the hook with reports from frantic land owners who are reporting having seen a gang of 100 dog lads and 200 running dogs crossing their land!
  13. Back on thl but new username... So I got this finished... but the downside of not working from any solid plans is its harder to picture what it will end up looking like... in this instance it's ended up looking a little bit like the Fuhrer Its doing the job well enough though
  14. There's no way the wife would allow that, it's took me a few years to convince her that camping will be fun lol , one of the rules were that it will have to be in a campsite, i can live with that for a while lol. My misses would be the same. I'm not sure I would be up for it either with a 6month old. Just too much paraphernalia that is needed with a young baby, i think the hassle of it all would ruin it for me.
  15. I am fine mate thanks, I only left as I was starting a business and was spending far too much time on here so had to throw my efforts into getting that off the ground. Good to be back though
  16. Hi All, Just to introduce myself. I am from North Yorkshire and into all things field sports and fishing. I have been on here before as Lapin2008 but left 6 months ago as I needed to focus my attention elsewhere briefly. I'm into lurchers mostly but also ferreting mostly with the kids and shooting (shotguns & rifle) as well as sea fishing when I have time.
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