My mate saidI wonder what happens if I fire two balls at once?
In an instant he was bleeding and swearing.
Thats what happens then, poor b*****d!
We wont try that again.
Keep it up mate. I was taught by a lovely Welsh keeper when I was a lad. I still have the playing card gauge he gave me.
I make some every few years but have always forgotten the process in between.
Hemp twine only for me!
Any pictures fella?
Envious! I started dry curing streaky bacon last weekend. Should have a kilo of finest ready in ten days. Can't wait, smells and looks amazing. Are you.curing/smoking any?
Hi Jok, I am confused to be honest. I meant no offence, I just don't know which product to use! Is it the thick sweet stuff or the thinner still quite sweet stuff? I have never made the stuff so am following your advice Sir.
Hi Jok, I am confused to be honest. I meant no offence, I just don't know which product to use! Is it the thick sweet stuff or the thinner still quite sweet stuff? I have never made the stuff so am following your advice Sir.