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The Butler

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About The Butler

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  1. And a big thank you to Fred90 who i should have mentioned in my first post, if it wasn't for his recommendation of Netmaker I wouldn't have my new nets!
  2. A big thank you to Netmaker( who is on this site) for my new Purse nets, I had some 10z Nylon and some Spun poly made by him, very good quality nets, highly recommended him. I have not used Spun poly nets before, so looking forward to the coming season, my old nets are a mix of very poor 3z Nylon brought when I was around 13 years old, I am now 54! and some Hemp nets that have lasted very well and have been great to use over the years, I also have a few more Nylon nets of around 6z, ok but nothing like the nets from Netmaker.
  3. Thank you, Mr Furrosious Ferreter, I did see a few posts where people had painted ferret boxes etc.
  4. Hello all, Please could anyone tell me if Sadolin wood treatment would be safe to use on the floorboards of my ferret run, it will have six weeks after treatment before the ferrets go back in to the run and there will be a good covering of wood shavings over the boards. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Mark
  5. Hello all, Could anyone please recommend a maker of good quality Purse nets, I am looking for 10z Nylon or spun poly 3' 6" long. Thanks.
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