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Everything posted by hch4971

  1. Thank you to all those who replied to my post via pm, the permission has now been offered and accepted and so is no longer available. I was completely overwhelmed with requests and never realised that land for this was is such short supply and how far people were willing to travel to indulge in the sport. I feel terrible that I could only offer to one and intend to contact a couple of our neighbouring farmers to see if they would be willing to allow permission for their land, I am not sure whether they have the same problem because of our unique location being ideal for the furry horrors,
  2. Wow, that looks absolutely fab, and fantastic pics, you look like you had a lot of fun. The photos of the dogs with the falcon are amazing, how do you get them not to just grab the bird, I think my boy would get too excited during the run and make a mistake. No doubt that would be illegal over here and yet it is just so natural isn't it, bird of prey with dogs flushing the prey, fantastic!
  3. Thanks, for reply (and thanks for moving moderator). I didn't realise that there was a season for rabbits and am now kicking myself that I didn't find this site sooner after being overwhelmed with replies, I didn't know that permission for this was in such short supply and we have suffered for years, the land is inundated with the little 'terrors'! I think judging by the number of rabbits around it has been a while since the other guy came and I'm not even sure what he used as it was just some guy that asked my husband if it was ok to go on. I did put another post on the offer I ori
  4. Hi, thanks for all the messages, I am busy working through them so please don't think they are being ignored. The land is currently growing for hay but I think where the rabbits are would be accessible without worrying about the crop. There are so many replies and I am wondering if it would be acceptable to do it in two bits so I can offer 2 lots of permission for the two separate pieces of land, I am hoping that someone can advise me. We have 2 fields, one large that is used for hay and a small paddock that is used to keep ponies, there is a stretch of woodland, 10 -15m between the two
  5. Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself really. I am from Leeds and joined the forum because the land we farm for hay production has a huge rabbit problem. We did have someone using it for ferreting on an informal basis but he appears to have stopped as the problem is increasing again. I thought there may be people on here who would appreciate permission as I would prefer them to be disposed of this way rather than gassing etc. We are horse people and very much in favour of more natural and 'age old' methods of control rather than the more modern. We have a mastiff who is the most amazi
  6. Hi, just wondered if there is anyone wanting permission to ferret in Leeds area for rabbits, please message me to discuss if you are interested.
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