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Everything posted by brixy

  1. I'm here now, without my dogs obviously, and strangely enough without anything else,I put all my luggage INA taxi nd [BANNED TEXT] I got out he jus disappeared, the dream has turned into a nitemare
  2. Ye tancks for DAT I defiantly want to bring d dogs if even jus for company,I'm thinking about buying a second hand cheap caravan and living DAT way
  3. Hello everyone, I hear east Holland is the place to b for racing hares,seems a bit far from d d dam doh
  4. Hi all,I'm moving to Amsterdam and I'm wondering can I bring my lurchers with Me, I'm not sure on how many fields r countryside is over der but I'd like to know has anybody hunted with dogs i n Amsterdam or is there anybody on d site who cud advise me
  5. is this show on sunday the 1st r is monday d 2nd june tanx
  6. well lads,how do enter my lurchers into a race
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