Lost her last season mate she got hit by a car while running a rabbit on the lamp, I've only got this collie bitch now to run so she's getting some stick ?.
This bitch wouldn’t run a rabbit unless it was under her nose in the end after 4 good seasons of catching good numbers, she was saluki greyhound x beddy whippet
The whippets I owned Mike bred them. From what whippets I've seen the Mike's bred stuff put to a race course or show line whippet are better than a straight Mike Brown stuff.
Your right mate I've owned 5 of mikes stuff and all have been shit but a lot say they are good so I must of been unlucky. As most know a show bred whippet as been the best for me for rabbits.
The last pups I had I bred out of my blue and white whippet but after 2 years I knew they were not going to be good enough for me so I gifted them to mates. Tbh I don't like pups so I like a old pup ready to start or I'll take a chance on a young adult that needs bringing on.