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Everything posted by oxo

  1. Any sensible offers for a full set of Mario Messinas old magazine, i think there are 24 in total, all good condition and original. regards
  2. I owned a .177 that was the most accurate, smooth springer i have ever shot,including Weihrauchs. the downside is they are very heavy and a pain in the arse for loading, great guns but not suited to hunting imo.
  3. Its pretty common and nothing to worry about, my dog has had it. Its a form of "wet" eczema i think, plenty of information on the web, have a look. i used NuStock to clear it up.
  4. BSA Lightning XL, small, light powerful.
  5. oxo


    Its generally accepted that quarry no bigger than rabbits and crows are shot with a air rifle, FAC or not. Anything bigger use a rifle.
  6. oxo


    Someone please tell me those two "tools" are joking!
  7. oxo

    original 50

    Full size underlever rifle, nice looking had one as a kid as already stated not a powerhouse, around 10ftlbs at most. very nice guns but outdated now imo.
  8. Some parts are covered by the VCR bill, have a look here http://www.gunspares.co.uk/ its about the best place for spare parts.
  9. Danny, they are about the easiest guns around to work on, you should have just bought a original HW spring and changed it yourself, even i can do it! Chances are if its running hot someone has put a Ox spring or similar in it. Really good guns, built like BMs.
  10. oxo


    No Longer For Sale Just had a few shots in the garden and its staying here, forgot how much i like it!!
  11. Decided to sell my old HW80 as its not getting used now. Still running at 11ftlb and accurate enough to do the job, killed loads of vermin with it. needs a reblue if you care about looks and the stock has been repainted black. £85 no offers and needs picked up (Tyneside) as i will keep it rather than arse around posting. cheers
  12. Correct, thats about the top whack for a HW80. They were designed to run around that level and shoot nicer than the sub 12ftlbs guns.
  13. Heres a photo of my TX .177 walnut, cracking gun!
  14. Nice little guns, still gay though! I would put a photo up of the TX if i knew how
  15. BSA Ultra or a falcon raptor lighthunter 12, both smaller than the AA200 and better looking, buy second hand and sell on if it does not suit or he loses interest.
  16. Is it the BSA Ultra multi off Airgun Forum? (not that i am a creepy stalker, honest!!! ) Very gay gun
  17. Just like to apologise to all the TX fans, you were right, its a fantastic gun . Put a lot of time in with it over the last few days and its a cracker, the cocking, loading takes a bit getting used to at first but it is deadly accurate and gives just a nudge in the shoulder. Shot it back to back with the HW80 and it beats it in every department (i love the HW80). I had a S400 a few years ago and got rid of it for the same reasons as SS, pain in the arse charging and gay !! Buy one you will not regret it. Cheers
  18. Like i say mate, nothings changed. Went over it a 1000 times in my head and have no answer, pen is cleaned then, hosed and left to dry before the dog goes back in. Same fluid as always. first time it happened i thought the dog had tore his pad off jumping from the kennel at speed on to the slabs after a cat in the garden or something. Its strange because its one pad at a time that goes until all four are f****d. thanks for the replies lads.
  19. Its got me beat, cannot think of any changes, just hope it heals ok like last time. cheers
  20. The dog is in a paved covered run so it is not damp, usually feed raw and a small amount of kibble, bull breed. It looks like someone has taken a potato peeler to the pads, dog is hobbling around. Got me stumped, no changes made and like i say it cleared up in a few weeks last time, looks very painful Cheers
  21. I have a dog here that is having a bad time with his pads, they are literally peeling off and raw. This happened before about a year ago, same thing first one pad then another till all 4 were raw and open. I bathed them daily and kept the dog in and it sorted itself in a few weeks last time, any ideas whats going on??? Cheers
  22. Like i say dunno what i was expecting a bit more WOW!! really, nice looking gun, shoots well enough but if its the best springer around things have not progressed that much in 20 years or so in my opinion. Get back to you after the weekend when i will have put more time in
  23. Just got a walnut TX200HC .177 today, read all the rave reviews and chose that over a HW97, do not know what i was expecting BUT i am disappointed. Put around 50 pellets through it and to be honest my old shoots as well with a decent relube. The gun has had around 300 pellets through it by another owner so it could do with a bit more running in but i was expecting more with all the shoots great out of the box, best springer etc etc lark. My advice would be try before you buy, wish i had!
  24. Mine is good with H&N field target trophys and Crosman Accupells.
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