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Everything posted by oxo

  1. Very good article in support of more athletic Staffords though, f**k what the RSPCA says anyway.
  2. I have had 2 english bulls and you could not pay me to feed another, the most stubborn, ignorant useless dogs i have ever known. One of them came from a lad that was trying to breed gameness into them and had very limited success before giving up and keeping pits. Another local dogman that had some famous dogs back in the 80s packed in with pit bulls and kept ebts and miniature ebts, he reckoned the miniatures were a lot more fiery (still useless though). It may well be a different story in other countries but there are better breeds for everything you may want a dog for here.
  3. Paid about £25v on Ebay for mine, charity is still on British Blades and might be able to get one for you. The blade is 440c, takes a really good edge.
  4. Whats the finland knife fair up like? I was looking at the very same knife before i opted for the clipper. Is the Benchmade Rant a full tang? all nice knives, but the Rant catches my eye. The handle of the Rant unscrews, cracking knife, razor sharp. think the new version is different
  5. Couple of fixed blades, top to bottom Magnum Camp Bowie, Benchmade Rant, Frosts Mora. the Benchmade is a excellent knife, frost great for the price and so is the magnum.
  6. I have a laminate varmint s/s Howa bought it a month ago (not thumbhole) they have put there prices up now, i paid £750 screwcut for mine in this months Sporting Rifle the thumbhole has a RRP of £740 blued/ £840 s/s. Looked at a T3 lite and it was a bit toy like the stock is flimsy and the mag is plastic. The Howa is a lot more solidly built, but a lot heavier too. you pays your money....
  7. Hello steve, i am a member at the Mayfair too. chances are the club gun you shot was either a cz or a Brno. Next time you will use a semi auto .22 (either a 10/22 or a 597) and on the last safety lesson you will be using a Marlin 38/357. I have a CZ 452 American and they are great guns. Range wise yards or so for a .22 imo. regards
  8. Picked up a new howa .308 a couple of weeks ago, not been to the range yet so i cannot tell you how it shoots, looks nice though The scope is a Mamba 4/16 x 50 and seems ok.
  9. Cannot not go wrong with any of the Frost knives, easy to sharpen and take a excellent edge. The carbon blades discolour but are better imo.
  10. Forgot to say the kit is about £12 and easy to fit.
  11. None of the cz 452s have an adjustable trigger, the 453 has a set trigger. You can buy a trigger kit from SYSS, ebay or eric brookes, try the trigger first though you maybe surprised, mines ok. If i was buying a new cz i would go for the style with a "16 barrel.
  12. I have the american, cracking little gun, no need for a heavy barrel on a .22 so its down to looks, both as good as each other.
  13. Hello mate, i have been to Steve Smiths at Dinnington a couple of times but only used the air rifle range there, nice place and friendly enough. Enquired about tuition myself as i am thinking of a SGC and its £40 for a half hour lesson. There are also claygrounds at Usworth/Springwell and Bywell local. http://www.bywellshootingground.co.uk/index.php
  14. Go ahead and apply mate, i had a few convictions as a kid including 2 trespass with firearms and others, just got my FAC a few months ago. Make sure you put down ALL your convictions and the worst they can say is no but i doubt it. If refused you get your fee back anyway Good luck
  15. Hi From my own recent experience, you could try and get a little more Amo - I put in for .22lr and .17hmr both with 1200 to hold and 1000 to buy - got them both without question. Just explain how bad the vermin problem is and it should come - mine did and South Yorkshire isn't know for being lenient when it comes to authorities. Cheers Westy I put down 1200 to hold and 1000 to buy and was knocked down to 600 & 500 by Northumbria even though it was for club use and they had okayed 2 X .22 .308 .38/357 and a .44 BP revolver strange breed these FEOs.
  16. Lucky sod! I m having no joy at all finding permission never mind getting paid for bunny bashing!
  17. She has a prolapse mate, seen a couple with one of them being very bad. most return to normal when the bitches heat finishes. ping pong ball size is not that big so do not worry too much. Symptoms are usally worse first season and lessen with each season. regards
  18. The problem with some people feeding BARF is that they think its the ONLY way to feed a dog and its not. It maybe best for your dog but not for someone elses, i have seen dogs looking great on it and others look shit, same as dogs fed dry feed. I am a member of the britbarf board and to be honest a lot of the posts are from people having problems with dogs fed BARF. There are some very good dry feeds available in the UK now, Timderwolf, Orijen, Solid gold etc If your dog is leaving too much muck its because you are feeding too much or the feed does not agree with the dog if its a HIGH quality
  19. Not if their raw mate. cheers mate just started feeding mine raw little bit worried as i havent used chicken before I know this will get me shot down in flames as feeding BARF is like a religion to some of you lads but i dont feed mine ANY bone...my dogs tend to bolt their food and even when being closly supervised have had some nasty choking incidents...have also found feeding a lot of bone turns the dogs shit to the consistency of powder which is plain to see is sometimes uncomfortable for the dogs to pass...to me the bone is just filler sure the dogs will eat it but it has l
  20. Just searched the net and there are 308 rounds sold as "subsonic sniper ammo" Thats a big old round to go that slow.
  21. You cannot get subsonics for a 308, just a .22 mate.
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