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Everything posted by oxo

  1. Had a very athletic pit bull bitch about 20 years ago that ran to a group of crows on the ground and jumped about 6 foot in the air to nail one that was a bit slow taking off, only happened once but still remember it well.
  2. Had 2, thick as pig shit and stubborn to boot. No good for anything at all, and all i have known have been the same. Funnily enough have seen a few miniatures that have a bit more fire in their bellies.
  3. Getting a lakie pup in a few weeks that is sired by the above dog, i have no real interest in digging holes the pup is for taking stalking, fishing and ratting at my allotment the lad with the pups said he was a old dog anyone know about him? If your going to slag the dog or the lad i would prefer you pmed me, still getting the pup though. cheers
  4. I remember him, mad jock covered in jail tattoos? Met him at a show once, used to run an ad in Marios mag. I just cannot understand why people keep trying with bull terriers of all kinds when they have proper terriers or running dogs to do the job a lot better.
  5. Tax the wrong people and your going to get more than bummed
  6. Owned all the bull terrier breeds for nigh on thirty years now starting with KC Staffords and EBTs then bulldogs and Staffords from working lines, love the dogs. Anyone that says they can make a pet out of a bulldog from working lines is a better man than me, their work is other dogs so if you own one grow another set of eyes and keep your dog on the lead. It gets tiresome walking dogs late at night so you do not bump into someone who has a dog that "just wants to play". As for me i wll always love them but i would not own another.
  7. Its just the standard target barrel but 16", i think they come threaded now. I just sold my 10/22T with a threaded 12" barrel last week, they are a nice rifle but if i was you i would buy a second hand 10/22 get it chopped and threaded to what length you like and stick it in a Hogue stock. Should work out cheaper than buying a new Tactical, think they are around £600? FWIW i still have a CZ452
  8. oxo

    UFC 137

    Condit has stepped aside, Diaz is next and i think he will beat GSP too.
  9. I had 2 trespass with firearms (a long with other offences) from being a kid, mine were a lot older than yours but i got my FAC no problem. If you are a member of BASC get in touch with there firearms team for some advice.
  10. Pretty sure Lee Murray would have done ok if he stayed in the UFC, he is as tough as they come and was improving steadily. Nice story about him sparking Tito in a streetfight in Chucks book i think it was.
  11. Made a formal complaint recently following a situation were the Police took my rifles and FAC and tried to revoke my FAC too. Had a Chief Super come to the house and he was spot on, i accepted a apology and my gear was back in a week. He explained that the force was like any other customer service, if you aint happy complain. Filled my complaint in online initially, no need to go to the station. Do it, the tit desrves it. We had a situation on the door years ago with off duty copper, he got bashed off one of the lads before he got his id out, we all got nicked and my pal would have got jail bu
  12. One of those Chinese Crested called Freckles was entered in the lure racing by the lasses! Did ok too!
  13. Lot better than the wildcat, no rear bushing, built to last stainless and maintenance free.
  14. Write it and him off, its cost you a couple of hundred to find out your "mates" a wanker.
  15. Buy yourself a secondhand CZ instead, its a lot better rifle.
  16. Have a look at the Burris Fullfield 11 range, i use one on a 308 for stalking and they are a great piece of kit, yank ebay is the best prices.
  17. Very good condition paperback, cracking read £22 posted cheers
  18. Anybody got a decent source other than the States, the postage is ridiculous cheers
  19. No idea about the book, i have the first one too. The dvd is supposedly made up of clips from the fieldsports channel and not much cop
  20. Seen Paddy Docherty on the front of The Sun today, giving evidence against a 20 year old who sparked him and broke his jaw.
  21. Stir Crazy, clerks and love, honour and obey, class
  22. Brasher are very good and fit mne better than any others, 3 and 4 season both excellent.
  23. As said sounds like your scope moving in the rings, what calibre and what rings and bases?
  24. Fill your boots mate http://www.heinnie.com/Knives/c-1-92/ might like to try a Mora for a tenner or so for starters
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