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Everything posted by oxo

  1. Been using Halls for a few years now, by f**k the prices have gone up, used to be £12.50 for 50 tripe £20 now, still cheaper than DAF though.
  2. oxo

    Mike Tyson

    Sparked the beardy f****r from the Hangover alright!
  3. Skin allergy?, ebts are prone to them, try piriton to see if the scratching stops.
  4. oxo


    I like Bisping, saw him fight years ago in Newcastle, Power & Glory? He was good then and brought a crowd of nutters with him, saw a few of them thrown out of the arena Soon as he got the win he was with his pals caning it too.
  5. These will have what you want http://www.gunspares.co.uk/
  6. Pretty sure the triggers are adjustable 32 stage on the new rifles, had mine a few years nd never touched it, was ok out of the box
  7. Going through it myself at the minute, not been out stalking in six months and not missing it either, club membership due this month too.To be honest lately i have had as much enjoyment out of knocking over a rat or pigeon with a catty, just got back into ferreting and enjoyed a couple of trips out, shootings very much on the backburner.
  8. Not bad rifles, light and very cheap now that the X bolt is out.
  9. Nice pups. Look younger than 5 months, are they recent pics?
  10. He would get taken down and pounded out, by the same token stick a pair of gloves on Cain and he would not last a round in a boxing ring.
  11. If your set on a non locker have a look at the victorinox farmer, cracking build quality, takes a good edge, strong spring and the saw is a belter too. http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B009UWJ8AM/ref=asc_df_B009UWJ8AM11326694?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&tag=hydra0b-21&linkCode=asn&creative=22206&creativeASIN=B009UWJ8AM&hvpos=1o1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=495815182122308423&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=
  12. What are the prices like? cheers
  13. Thought you had to wait till there balls drop in the Spring to get them done?
  14. A five month old terrier is a lot more developed than a bigger dog, mine looks pretty much like. an adult now. A walk around the block at 12 months is not much, some dogs are working hard by that age. . How do they develop quicker than a bigger dog? Did not say anything about work, talking about exercise my dogs work for the 6mths. Exercise is completely different thing all together So you only let a dog walk 3 mile if its a year old but they are worked from 6 month, you carrying them everywhere? your dogs not exercised during work? What are they doing? What bone damage in later
  15. Any recommendations for vets and prices in the Tyneside area? cheers
  16. A five month old terrier is a lot more developed than a bigger dog, mine looks pretty much like an adult now. A walk around the block at 12 months is not much, some dogs are working hard by that age.
  17. Take it to the vets if theres any doubt at all, had a Stafford pup i bred that on its first walk i let it off the lead to run around with my young daughter and the bairn ran into the pup, same kind of thing and a broken rear leg (greenstick fracture). hope the pups ok.
  18. Think you have to buy the stock thats inlet for the magnum, not 22lr the magazines are different sizes best bet is email boyds.
  19. I have a 7 month old Lakie that is out for about 2 hours a day, on and off lead, sniffing and mooching about, he is a f*****g nuisance in the house if he does not get enough exercise.
  20. No mines the american, i had to open up the hole for the trigger guard literally 2 minute job. There is a gap of a couple of mm each side of the barrel with it being inlet for the varmint but it looks ok and is well and truly free floated.
  21. Mines the forest camo, lovely stock http://www.boydsgunstocks.com/Boyds-Rimfire-VT-CZ-s/188.htm
  22. say one of those on the bay for 1£145. Im eying up a very nice classic. Bit ott but why the hell not Theres one on airgunbbs at the minute (bushnell legend) for £115, nothing to do with me
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