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About JonMundo

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    Rookie Hunter

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    Photography & Outdoors
  1. Ok so I've had it apart again and degreased the trigger which is now a smooth operator. All back together and it still won't cock. Cock. It's almost like the catching lever isn't being pulled back far enough towards the trigger catch but surely it can only go in one way - ie at the end of the spring?! Thanks for all replies guys JK
  2. Yes it cocks and fires independent of the barrel, although it feels sluggish
  3. Another thing my mate noticed was the underleaver arm seems to be catching the spring when you cock the rifle. This didn't happen before and I wonder if it's related. I think you might be right on the trigger tho, I'll have to devote some time and space to taking that sucker apart.
  4. Yes the trigger is certainly gunked up! When it's assembled without the trigger in place you can see the catch pull back but whether it's far enough back I'm not sure. I wish I'd checked it before pulling it apart because there's a chance the problem was already there
  5. Hello all. Trying to fix a sticky safety on an old boys rifle, I have encountered/caused a greater problem - the barrel doesn't lock into the trigger mech'. I've taken the entire thing apart minus the trigger assembly and the problem persists, It's almost like the pin isn't long enough to catch and it's driving me crazy! Has anyone come across a similar situation on a Weihrauch? The picture shows the parts when I just took it apart so things are a bit grim. The trigger is sluggish and regrettably I didn't even check to see if she cocked before dismantling. Cheers guys JK
  6. Evening. Ok so budget cameras: you can go one of two ways... Which depends on your aspirations and skill level. If you want to get into photography a good place to start is a bridge camera because it gives you the abilities of an SLR in terms of learning shit but lacks upgradability and only by comparison, quality. Also you haven't invested lots of money in an SLR which will require extra lenses for this type of photography. That said if you have the desire then getting an SLR now and adding to it as you need is certainly the best way to ensure control and quality. With a budget of £200 yo
  7. Yea get some pictures posted up, would be good to see if there's any differences. And yea be interested to know of shooting differences/ practical experiences that people have had. Presumably they either changed from the QD clips because they found a better way or they cheaped out and suddenly bits of metal weren't worth the extra performance. Personally, and without knowing squat, I'd say costs are what saw the end to clips
  8. A mate has this old Black Widow which we are trying to date (chronologically not involving wine and condoms). Quite an interesting beast - as was explained to me it has these silver clips where the bands grip which was replaced in every model after. Thoughts and discussions would be great to see plus any tales involving a superseded catty are bound to be good.
  9. Wow looks amazing. How did you find the stock when you'd stripped it down? I had real issues with mine where the stain had seeped in too deep.
  10. I'd love to see some pictures if you can get them up. There's instructions on site but basically get a photobucket account and upload to there. Copy the 'direct link' and use this when posting a thread. This was my first post too
  11. I found this on my phone... Seems I did get the stock before I painted it black. Interestingly, looking at this now, I think the Birchwood Casey oil could have performed some kind of miracle on the grain as it appears here. I didn't like the way the pattern seemed blotchy and in places not even like it was the same piece of wood. What is nice here is the build up of stain in deep areas and it's this I emulated with the finished result.
  12. Thank you. Yea she shoots really nice with the new spring - I think I'd be lying if I said I could notice a difference between now and before simply on recoil alone but all the signs are good so far
  13. Thanks for your feedback guys. Managed to get a few shots off and she's working like a charm. Happily goes through 10mm ply but that's not really useful info. I tried tapping the stock whilst cocked (not loaded and pointed into the ground) to ensure the trigger was sufficiently adjusted so there's no chance of it going off randomly. There's always the safety. Worth mentioning dry firing isn't a good idea so I only did it once but I'm sure we all know that
  14. Thanks guys, yea it's marmite alright. Did have a couple of test shots to make sure the I'd put it back together properly (you can't really put it together wrong cos things don't align). Had to adjust the trigger with a right turn cos it had become very light. Just need some ballistics gel or some vermin!
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