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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. I remember reading of the challenge and thinking what a prick to be fair.
  2. jukler heres my daughters little pet, she came off a bitch a farmer found, it was in pup so don't know what father was, bitch looked like her
  3. well said, but as I have said be fore good hare killers with no good breeding often don't produce, you cant beat generations of good blood and I AM NOT saying breed from untested stock, but trust the blood. and as for having lurcher blood that's where it all began.
  4. I agree with that regards having pures around for an outcross, it strikes me that over the years,however line breds have been bred together with the occasional saluki out cross so must be almost genetically saluki, yet are in most cases so different from pures.
  5. all mine back then were 22 24. even as a kid I knew what I needed and brred to suit I never realised at the time that they were anything special, and lads in other areas was doing the same, my mother with 3 generations.
  6. in about 1972/3 I bred a litter off fly beddy lurcher x saluki to a whippet, the land I ran was tight and hedgy typical north notts land, the dogs produced looked like strong whippets, very sharp and could kill a decent hare, I know they weren't whippets but I had to tell the tail lol
  7. obviously we are talking brown hares here in the uk pre ban, there is only one pure that has been any ware near able to do this with any sort of consistency, but if we are honest, individuals of even this bread of pure, that can do it, are rare beasts indeed, with the majority lacking something, ware would we be without it, still searching in my view.
  8. I now have more carp in the teens cant believe it lol.
  9. my old man always liked a baby rabbit, itle meck more gravy than a tater lad , he used to say.
  10. my little pond the little carp is a bonus as I lost the big ones to predation he must of hatched in there.
  11. the other week I posted a pic of a moorhen on my little pond well today 2 chicks with the cock so perhaps more to come I am made up
  12. I made some raised beds for the wife but the spuggies love em
  13. mother and daughter, the old bitch is off old b and t saluki flash, the pup is from the litter above to whippet sire, they were fast and aggressive and could stick for small dogs.
  14. obviously that's a lot, but I sometimes have cockers left, and you cant sell for less than the going rate, or they get bought and sold on by people if you leave a profit on them.
  15. they do but the moral is don't rush in just cos a dog can catch a hare
  16. where I grew up there were hares every ware lots of opertunity for a keen young man with a good dog and no bother to be fair.
  17. sounds nice for a bit of allsorts, enjoy the trip mate.
  18. the man picking his pup was same man with b and t saluki the mother was off the old dog to a beddy lurcher 1969 ish she killed more hares than any dog I know of. every pup she threw was a hare killer she could of gone to a sosagedog lol.
  19. I sold a three quarter saluki pup to a lad called Charlie from Mansfield made him a decent dog I think about 20 years back time flies.
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