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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. good answer there, the thing with coursing dogs as a whole, they have evolved into different types to suit different land, some men like the steady type, 5/6 minuets, others like a faster more aggressive style, and have bred for these traits, so if you want to add to a fast lurcher type, don't use a fen dog, the lines do matter so look for lines that produce what suits you, and your stye of running dog don't trust luck.
  2. for a man that likes saluki in his dogs, I don't read many positive comments in your posts shadow, what is it you do like.
  3. whats the name of dawns owner juckler and who bred blue do you know mate.
  4. why did you do that sandy lol ,in reality the video thing is terrible for it, and a lot of them lads never had a dog before the ban, matching brings out the worst in people.
  5. the carp are from 4 inches to around 10 and are now over 20 in number don't know where they have been hiding lol
  6. lads have always ran kickups I saw it 50 years ago and I will see it next season, I am not defending it by the way just stating facts sadly.
  7. that's always been the same, a hare don't run till the dogs on it, and on small land you cant give huge slips, but on big land if the dog pulls it goes.
  8. I like blue looks like my old fly bitch. was that the queeny that went to duke .
  9. similar stamp but genuine 3/4 saluki off floss and boozers fred good bitch, a dog from same litter made £7500 at under 12 months, 23/25 years ago
  10. I saw a pic of dawn on here, looks tiny don't look like that cross at all.
  11. all the real old paintings drawings always show 2 dogs running even hunting not coursing I think running single is quite a modern idea perhaps.
  12. well they don't blacky cos then its just a matter of when not if, lol
  13. I don't know my early stuff was light on greyhound I used whippet over a beddy lurcher x saluki then put that to a dog bred from her brother to a saluki lurcher and then line bred back to my old bitch level about 23" and as good as any about today.
  14. a hare can cope with a dog rushing up behind, but they don't like being manipulated by a clever dog.
  15. most my running is not fen never was each to thaire own but to go forward we must be honest not pig headed.
  16. the trouble is mac I did these things, and learned the hard way, but they still think your trying to criticise THAIRE ideas not trying to help.
  17. true max, but we all know where the coursing ability comes from in what we have.
  18. I genuinely believe that putting greyhound back to coursing dogs should be avoided, now in a lurcher situation IE collie type it works, or seems to, it evens things out, and the non running dog balances the recklessness of the greyhound, just my take on it nothing more, breeding a litter is a big deal and we must use all info at our disposal to get it as right as possible for the pups sake.
  19. matching was never my bag, most big mouthes always win if you llisten to them.
  20. Rambo is duke x sal, sal = sam x Norfolk lurcher
  21. I had a good solid first cross bitch that I bred, I put her to a greyhound they were awful, I put her to saluki fred and got dogs that could kill any ware, and fast sorts like mother.
  22. do they work mate, and if so to what degree, look nice
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