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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. had a first cross saluki grey like that bred it my self so kept that one very dynamic bitch killed loads of stuff day and night no probs atb two crows.
  2. years ago I put a well bred track dog over a home bred first cross saluki greyhound bitch the pups had poor feet and three bends, they still killed the odd hare though. pups from the same bitch to a well known saluki had great feet and 6 or 7 minuets ( if needed) and killed loads off hares all well before the ban.in mho the way to go is a modern coursing dog it has loads to offer , pace, stamina, brain, grit, a greyhound offers, raw speed, and recklessness.
  3. how fast dose a lurcher need to be to catch a rabbit? I never bred anything other than coursing dogs and I know (from experience) another dose of greyhound after the first cross is a mistake. atb two crows.
  4. I use an ordinary dog whistle suck don't blow works very well. atb two crows.
  5. you can still outcross using 2 unrelated coursing lurchers very true, but to dismiss outright using a pure saluki in any breeding program sounds foolhardy to me. Its what folk were saying all those years ago when they said they were just plodders and thick. and that the dogs of the time were nigh on perfect, and just needed breeding close back in the seventys if you wanted to catch hares you first crossed or put saluki in your lurchers. it had to start that way some of my early stuff killed hares all over the midlands they were saluki to beddy crosses. later first crosses if someone d
  6. nice dog mate how is he bred .I have a bitch similar age she been slow maturing but got a couple of runs lately with one retrieve it was to hard realy but seen enough to be very happy hope yours does well for you .atb two crows.
  7. when I was a boy no one round me had salukis except one man I by chance got a pup off it to a beddy whippet' the result was outstanding she was a hare killer. and she produced hare killers consistently. and the modern line bred stuff is doing the same the romeo bell ones ive seen will be good dogs no ifs or buts. these are the lines to go for.if I make half as good a job of my young bitch as these lads have ile be delighted atb two crows.
  8. our old man used to say itl mek more gravy than a tater. atb two crows
  9. lovely pictures your a lucky man having a back yard like that. dogs look good on all that exercise. bird is cock kestrel atb two crows.
  10. wheat straw used it for years even when it gets messy it looks better than paper I also think fleas lay thare eggs inside so burn every week rarely have flea probs . atb two crows
  11. I put mine around 18 - 20 yards and up wind slightly pattern slightly down wind so birds hopefully pass in front reel close every situation is different but I never put mine very far out. lead does not mater just put battery outside of rotation cover it if crop is short . atb two crows
  12. best bitch I ever had(so far) was whippet bedlington cross pure saluki and pups from her back to whippet called a1 all great hare killers on small tight hedgy land atb two crows.
  13. well bred pup lots of wooly dogs from the seagull up through nipper benji etc nice pup good luck with it. regards two crows
  14. genuine first cross saluki greyhounds ie pure saluki to pure greyhound dose not produce feathered pups or black and tan ones witch ever one is sire or dam makes no diferance atb two crows
  15. we used to run some land like that near pure salukis were ok but heavy running types failed .I saw a gang of travelers one day looking at a field like that I said wats up lads. they don't know whether to have a run or get on and tarmac the f****r atb two crows
  16. promising young dog enjoyed watching him other day should be spot on for the back end. just going to try and get mine going then wait for stubble atb two crows
  17. I love the saluki crosses. but I keep working cockers and have a reely well bred dog who is a relentless worker. put to a grew I bet he would throw some good workers for the rabbit job . atb two crows
  18. my thoughts are the merlin eve line bred stuff is about spot on. nearly like English salukis . when the modern grey hound was being bred bulldog blood was added ..they haven't added anything since because it is now possible with careful breeding to tweek the lines to get more early pace or more stamina. and we can do that to. the coursing lurcher gene pool is in very good shape. I once bred some gen threequarter grey quarter sals they could not stay they had horrible feet , but they could kill hares reel quick , both mine killed themselves young" so I personally would not use any greyhound
  19. if there good dogs and that clicks should be ideal over there. atb two crows
  20. I had saluki crosses good killers 1968/9 half sal 1/4 whip 1/4 beddy very aggressive style stay for ever atb two crows.
  21. I bred a litter from a very good whippet beddy cross full saluki bitch to a raceing whippet in 1970.the one I kept back was 22"and as good a harekiller as any. the whole litter were goodens . atb two crows.
  22. At last someone with my way of thinking f****n hell all that for that.
  23. I love to see any dog run that can catch a good hare slipt with a proper start at proper time of year. my favorits are the ones quick enough to go in test it catch it but know when its mr [BANNED TEXT] and steady up slow things down and bide its time.and that's not plodding its brains. atb two crows.
  24. mine just could not hang on. more saluki is and always was better. the line bred stuff about today is miles in front .they are fast and aggressive and stay on. what more do you need. you do not see many first crosses bred these days so how many tree quarter grey quarter salukis actualy are genuine . atb two crows.
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