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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. very nice lads good luck with them.
  2. agree with that 100% but there not all bred right, and you know most lurcher lads are not the right hands, I had a good pure years ago could do anything, I would have him back in a heartbeat great dog. here a picture of my doughters pet bitch someone she knows found a bitch looked like a pure turned out to be in pup.
  3. ten years ago I used opies dander druid I know that spelled wrong but so what, and I rate him as a trainer but that dog sired thousands of pups I am just now starting to bring on a young bitch that I have bred down four generations and I will put her back to my red dog druids son, who I rate above any other cocker I ever saw as a hunting dog his sister is the young bitch grand mother. (druid was from rytex kennels)
  4. looks a nice bitch blacky but fair play for not using her.
  5. joking aside if I wanted something collie ish for rabbiting I would not mind something like phil loyd has.
  6. I bet you wunt but that is red list endangered,lol
  7. if you want a straight collie grey f1, it wont have working parents, well not the kind of work you need.
  8. I know your [BANNED TEXT] bill, but greyhounds like all pedigree dogs have faults as the wild dogs will if you can get near some lol if the gene pool is to small you have no chance of breading out a fault and then talk yourself in to believing its not a fault just like the kennel club lot do, when I breed a litter of spaniels I look first for a dog I like (work wise) then as long as his ped has enough differences I use him. iam not having a go lol
  9. thank you, did you not keep one to put him to.
  10. how is she bred and what age from looks alone that's a bitch for your dog.
  11. I like pups generaly and would always have some about if I could, and the heavy duty type lurcher work aint my bag at all, but they are lovely pups lads.
  12. when we look at the faults in pedigree dogs we all blame the show dog fraternity, but all they have done is bred tight to produce a type, when faults do crop up its to late, why keep a gene pool small on purpose.
  13. I like that but theres no like thingy can you give more details please.
  14. they les likely to be closely related so widens the gene pool you can then cross back in with less risk of inbreeding, a bit like every one using the same stud sooner or later they all like brothers and sisters, (bit like here in the fens lol)
  15. very true that, now we can easily go anywhere in a few hours, no reason not to youse a similar dog doing his job well from the other end of the country, can only improve things.
  16. I like that type of lurcher how has the line been carried over the years.
  17. could be good, I said it before a line bred universal general lurcher be great.
  18. it was instant as far as our own stuff in my area was concerned, it gives a coolness to the offspring, take a f1 for example straight away you kill the raw aggressive almost reckless pace from the greyhound, and adds the calmness of the saluki giving a dog straight away that is more difficult for a hare to deal with. a flight animal can deal with a dog coming at it fast trying to out pace it, a dog that steady's when it gets there and watches and reacts to the hares movement is a different proposition altogether, when I watched dogs running, I watched it all. some times talking to a mate after
  19. years ago there was very few salukis available to the likes of us, the show people trying to keep them pure holding them back from what they should be. and frankly even good ones are not that good compared to a line bred dog, I had a gooden in the eightys however I don't know what I would of thought of him if he was a cross ? but never mind how good they are they do throw a good cross.
  20. mick taylor think there was some confusion with peds I thought.
  21. a good friend of mine saw it run a fair bit and speaks very highly of it if its wilburs one, and it is off fred to a import bitch.
  22. folk leav allsorts of rubbish in the country side, the tyres not the pup, I like him.
  23. there's having a lough and there's stupid people spoiling stuff learn the difference.
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