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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. who filmed it, I hope you don't mind me asking young blacky, but what are you doing posting at 4 in the morning, perhaps they need guard dogs round your way lol.
  2. good advice mate, if in doubt vets, I had one take a nail right off it never grew back, I wonder if its not to bad if it would superglue to stop it bleeding and getting worse.
  3. the tame ones could be lacking something, but wild ones you would think be ok, though back in them days all his rabbit food was gathered, we used to call it rabbit meat funnily enough.
  4. when we were kids my mates dad bred newzeland whites for the table and he often got them, he thought it was because us kids was frightening the does.
  5. not had one for years was all ways a good read articles written by ordinary dog lads, for each other, plummer used to call it an underground publication cos it was subscription only (twat).
  6. I think you not far off there mate with your assessment, I had a bitch called fly as good as any of em foxy top draw, toms old bitch belle great bitch. a lot of other more modern dogs shouted about, one you mention and others , just decent imo, but I don't get out in company much these days (my choice) so don't see many run now.
  7. over my time with coursing dogs, I have seen and owned one or two first class dogs, however a lot of so called top class dogs are only decent in reality, books fib, and video's are edited you cant judge a dog from a video, I have seen good dogs that do threes, but are far from top class, a proper class dog may not kill more hares, but they have style, and give you something to remember even on a miss, most of the bigged up dogs of recent years in books or otherwise are just that bigged up, taking 5 mins to catch average hares in a dyke or cover not great dogs for me. (sorry for going on but pe
  8. that's a disgrace her not spotting that mate, next time let your lass have a look first then a quick spray or ointment and no bill, they know how to charge that's for sure.
  9. this can happen to a properly conditioned coursing dog, witch is bred to deal with long runs, just cool him off he be ok, I give my dogs eggs, shell and all they eat the lot, if they find any that have been laid out I always let them have them, and they never break one when retrieving it.
  10. yellow rattle in grassland is now quite a rare sight.
  11. the owners nephew was working for me today, and showed me a picture of an otter caught on camera at the pit, he found a spot where it was coming out and marking, they put the cameras there and on the fourth night there he was, he will send me a pick and I will put it up.
  12. I think they do, but if they are set on a run through a hedge they work cos they can see through, I was always letting pheasants out of his traps, he asked me one day what I thought was killing the young rabbits he court in them, I dint know so I set three more right up to one with a rabbit in and court a carrion crow.
  13. in a bear tree with mistletoe that's likely to be a mistle thrush or similar mate.
  14. i have permission to fish an old pit in a wood, the chap who owns it recons he has an otter about cos he found a dead eel with its head missing, don't know if they do that but the eel was as thick as his arm he said, so will have a go for them when the cuckoo comes.
  15. there was a simple fella used to help in the garden on a shoot where I worked, he used to set them cage traps all the time with sliced carrot and court loads of rabbits, he had a few somewhere else and went to check one morning, and found a fox in one he went all the way home to fetch his gun to kill it lol.
  16. yes their brill, but mine has failed its test so going to sell it for spares, she liked it better than the defender. (think the clutch is a bit stiff)
  17. this level of training can be difficult to achieve, but with experience anything is possible. (note the concentration on the dogs face)
  18. nice little bunch, do you leave the tails on your terriers from choice just out of interest, I like whippets and whippety lurchers, when I was a boy I used whippet blood to breed down my coursing dogs as we had allot of barbed wire, and found the offspring very easy to live with and very capable animals indeed.
  19. either of the above any thing else will come with traits best left to more experienced hands atb.
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