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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. pups are coming on well pleased with how the bitch is doing three weeks on sunday so have them lapping soon, some nice colours as well.
  2. my mate been sitting out at night watching for otters, he has frightened them all away bar two he said.
  3. was he living at the wood yard, I built him a house where his mam and dad lived just down the road, after his mam died, he moved his dad into a trailer so we could knock the little bungalow into the new house and he would not move out again, he was called Charlie as well and lived all his life in trailers.
  4. you might well be right, I have been a good friend of the family all my life grew up with his son, there was a lad used to run with us said that it was a very good dog so seames a strange thing to say if it only ran once, but I got use of it for free so nothing ventured as they say but experience gained. if you see him ask him about who built his house that was me I have not seen him for an age.
  5. my mate bred a mistake litter they were off his deerhoundy lurcher and his wife's airdale to be honest they were no good, but kev only lamped rabbits so their talents may of been with other things.
  6. he was in training at Charlie listers who was a top ngrc trainer who I knew from being a child, I don't know about data but think that's perhaps in correct.
  7. brian plummer used to go in for breading programs, and all anyone ever saw was the end result, I always wandered what happened to all the other poor fkrs on the way to his goal.
  8. I agree, but the practical aspect is a grey hound would fail 9 times out of ten in the field, you only need the speed, every thing else comes from saluki.
  9. to be fair mate, if they dint get killed they would of been top notch to some folk, but I would not of bred from em il'e put it that way.
  10. be interesting to know just how good they were honestly, I tell it how it is and in my view the ones I bred were not good enough, the dam to my first cross bitch was open race, and had produced open race class dogs, before I got her, the dog I used was a dog called bank tunnel a very good open race dog by all accounts.
  11. well done beany, I bred a litter from a very good fast first cross saluki greyhound bitch that I bred myself, I put her to a top class open race dog, and kept two bitches back one killed its self at a year old running into something and the other at about four doing the same, they could kill a hare in a bend or two and looked awesome, but they had no wind, and their feet were shocking, I put the same bitch to a well known pure saluki and got fast feathered pups, the bitch I kept was a five out of five bitch, and was at home on any land was never injured and lived to 15.
  12. I quite like the theory of this, and there was a chap looking at foxhound crosses, but we must not forget that these things are not new, and have been abandoned for a reason, what that reason is I don't know, but when saluki's first started being crossed into lurchers something happened that that made them the ultimate hare dog, and we still have them, labs took over from flatcoats, for a reason, and the minority spaniel breads have been left behind for a reason.
  13. when I was a kid there was a first cross saluki greyhound called brin he belonged to alan hickman, and was half brother to my first dog, he roamed the village all the time and was responsible for more than one litter of handy mongrels lol.
  14. house sparrow nesting in the ivy on the house
  15. house sparrow he has a nest in the ivy on my house.
  16. used to get out round Louth my self still can but ground was stony as hell I am south linc's
  17. the speed of a lab will add nothing to a lurcher, they are slow, just like collies, Alsatians etc, they only look quick compared to another slow thing or a wounded cock bird that is running cos he is injured. its other things the base breed brings to the table.
  18. some of the lads on the grouse moors run them crosses, a sign of practical dog men producing something to do a job better than the pures.
  19. tell you what redneck I have seen racier ones but to me they are nice looking, my mate has a nice looking black lab but he is only about 8 and has had a dodgy back end since about five, tell you what there is more talk of gundogs in this section than the gundog one, they dont post much at all .
  20. I think that is spot on, and as bill said true of all lurchers, the best are always line bred what ever the cross, I have had some great f1 sal greys, but the line bred ones have a bit more about them for me generaly, what do you run mate, and which bit the fens you in roughly.
  21. nice dogs mate, I think if I wanted a mouching dog in your shoes, I would use one of them spaniels, but then I am a spaniel man lol.
  22. very nice looking dog mate, how did the parents ever get bred not what you see every day, how good were his parents, and is he better, could be a replacement fore the deerhound cross.
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