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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. nice looking dog there George, oh er I mean phil,
  2. better leave the hammer in the water over night first to keep the head on lol.
  3. said it before we used to go to a place where they shot over a thousand each year at the end of the shooting season, and I am being conservative there, if we went before there would be to many, there were always good numbers on there, to be honest you could not keep on top of a population like that with a dog/dogs, on a shooting estate.
  4. an old farmer knew who flew in the lancasters during the war, told me he had never kicked a dog and never shot a rabbit.lol
  5. we use to have some with white stares on their for heads behind the house, and I have caught several different colours way out on the moors.
  6. my thought is that most unusual colour in rabbits are natural as are odd coloured wild birds, and not all down to escaped pets, a mutation can be bred on in captivity, that would not happen in the wild, however rabbits live in close inbred groups so where you find an odd one, chances are high it will show up again. just my thought.
  7. I looked for a cage bird section but cant find one about 30 odd years ago used to breed mutation greenfinches and found these old pictures I believe I was the first to breed a melanistic one, don't know if I am right putting them here but hay ho. first is a cinnamon pied hen second is a cock that carried cinnamon and lutino and the melanistic cock
  8. very smart looker, is a german pinscher like a Doberman, and what would their job be, also do you have a pc of one cheers.
  9. there is a bit of the george micheal going on in a lot of his early pic's lol
  10. I have to be honest mate never knew the chap to be fair, paul sorted everything so you may be correct.
  11. might be back in the spring the pond is teaming with insect life at one point we had the shrew a woodmouse and a vole all nipping to the feeder it was there for the robins and wagtails.
  12. no mate but he thinks it might be from my pond 15 yards away ish you would be lucky to spot one there.
  13. yes lads a rare sighting we think it was after mealworms I have a decent size natural pond near by with good vegetation I am in lincs catch I have a mate who s an ecologist and he was over the moon it was coming for weeks.
  14. hitler banned hunting with hounds in Germany on july 3rd 1934 on the grounds that t was un sporting. and as we all know he was well known for his sportsmanship.
  15. I dint know rabbits would take voles.
  16. fuuuk orf, idiot I cant be doing with ya I just been feeding a poor chap his sunday dinner that got more about him than you leave me alone.
  17. don't fkin tell me how my first dogs were bred there was nothing but a beddy cross whip/grey to a pure saluki , what other people had in their dogs is not my buisines but there was none in mine
  18. my ones never had Norfolk in, but allsorts has gone into the general melting pot along the way, but mostly I might add to improve the allsorts not the coursing stuff, lol.
  19. just to add to this, my first stuff came from a beddy lurcher bitch to a saluki dog, and I still believe the beddy lurcher ones produced the best hare killers back then.
  20. interesting bill so adding say beddy or collie to an existing lurcher wont affect speed to much, I would think the opposite, but I have no experience of base lurchers, my point was that with saluki long dogs no generation is ever compromised even when thinking ahead to your next move.
  21. them bread trays were good you could get twenty in and take no room in the van.
  22. the large rabbit was five and a half pounds from beadale
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