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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. what a proper f1 ? I would like to see it, might not want one, but like to see it.
  2. looks like the fancy glossy starlings you can get for the aviary to me katch.
  3. tell you what bearfoot gambling is a strange thing ruins peoples lives, men bet on dafter things than their own dog, I never had a bet in my life on anything, but even got celebs telling you to gamble on telly ffs.
  4. don was a weard bloke his original stuff had spaniel in I believe, and beany was a first cross, funny how we talk about this cross and that and what influences them, but the Norfolk lurcher in line bred coursing dogs is a long way back.
  5. your right bill they are not, but before we had saluki lurchers they were trying to be, lads was matching with them in the seventy's, I seem to remember.
  6. I can only speak from my own experience, and I never saw a good proper deer grey, seen some good ones as said with other stuff in.
  7. they must throw true to type at 12 gens but be very inbred if their his own stock.
  8. nor am I, but I have seen some very use full deerhound lurchers, none of witch had anything to do with plats, the seventy's and eighty's produced some very average deerhound greyhounds in contrast, jmho, from a single handed coursing viewpoint.
  9. a chap I ran with before the ban had one from there, he was his mate, she was fast and that's it, I don't get why someone wants to recreate something you cant use other than for lurcher breeding, money I suppose.
  10. I remember seeing a huge hawthorn tree in the village when I was a kid completely covered in waxwings never seen one since.
  11. yes I do, but for all round lurchers they are a good ingredient, they add a calm watchfull temp in mho, and gilbey is right the lads that kept them in their hayday are old now or gone, from the coursing aspect some were absorbed in to the melting pot along with most things.
  12. I genuinely think looking back allot of what were described as deerhound greyhounds, were deerhound lurchers rely, ie something else in the mix, the better ones anyway, most things that fall out of favour do so for a reason, usualy because something better comes along, look at all the regional collie types that have fallen by the wayside because of the border collie's superiority.
  13. spot on phil I saw loads of f1, not a patch on a deerhound lurcher, I don't think some people realise they are not the same.
  14. what do you do in the world of field sports my good fellow.
  15. I would imagine the subject of the opening post is a pain in the ass serial offender because his mate was just given a caution, in 50 years I was caught lamping once and coursing 2 or 3 times I was never taken to court but they did steel my lamp, lol
  16. I agree pointless, the dingo might be a remarkable animal, but to me offers nothing we don't have already, wild animals survive by being able to catch to eat, most have poor catch rates, and they pack in if the prey has the upper hand not exactly what I want to breed in a lurcher, jmho.
  17. still picked its runs and jacked, get the rose glasses off lads.
  18. they sound good to me half whippet be nice little dogs, you doing right talking on here, I know its not like someone being there but even this lot better than nowt atb mate.
  19. what needs to be born in mind is a line bred dog is imho miles away from a saluki x greyhound.
  20. when my mates dog did it I think it was the first time he was out in daylight lol, he used to travel in the boot of kevs Cortina always jumped straight in, he lifted the bonnet one day to check the oil and gyp jumped on the engine lol.
  21. mine have caught loads in cover at night every one of em, and I recon you get some dogs in the day looking for an excuse to pull up.
  22. trev a mate of mine in the eightys had a proper good lamping dog, he said he recond gyp could catch a hare in the day, as soon as it got to the hedge old gyp slamed the brakes on and came straight back lol, but I started mine day time for a season and never had one problem, and I did 2/3 nights a week lamping as well as coursing.
  23. i don't normally do this but just for the crack 2 runs 2 rabbits and home.
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