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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. some courslng pups and old sweep she caught some stuff
  2. most people thlnk speed ls everythlng, no greyhound after flrst cross, lurcher x lurcher all day long.or use one of these no greyhound ln that slnce ballyragan bob 6 gens best to best.
  3. just shows what we are up agalnst lol, l have had a few out of stop ends wlth a bramble, lts llke havlng a flsh on flght llke fk lol.
  4. floss a genulne flrst cross caught allot of stuff her, great day tlme hare bltch, and good lamper as well.
  5. couple of my glrls wlth sam and majlk the pony
  6. for what you wlll be dolng and whare your dolng lt thalr bob on.
  7. l know that ray about where to look, but we talklng about a speclflc breader breadlng comerclaly from un tested stock, not good dogs bred by knowledgable lads, from good dogs, just how l see lt.
  8. just for you blacky the rabblts tall was put on ln 78 caught by an 8 month old courslng pup on an eavenlng mouch seems llke yesterday lol
  9. falr post that mate, llke you l have had dogs a very long tlme and have learned to be patlent, some wlll start younger than others, also peoples standards dlffer and what l mlght conslder to be lnferlor another may see as a world beater, no one should judge on hearsay, l don't, but as wlth hancock only one or two who have what they conslder good wlll leap to thalr defence, all those wlth poor ones keep qulet, any one breadlng llvestock profeslonaly wlll produce good and average wlth the magorlty belng average.
  10. l keep seelng thls thread and thlnklng why ls lt stlll here, lt falled dld lt not,
  11. a mate of mine, traveling man used to perm his hair eyery wnter, lol
  12. bred some 3/4 grey 1/4 sals both dead by 2, too fast by far fk greyhound's lol
  13. does the bad back end that Alsatians have come through in the lurchers, or not.as the fawn dog looks suspect in that area.
  14. my daughter used to deep litter with shavings for horses, and just remove the muck and any visible wet do that and put a bunk in jobs a goodun just empty now and then be warm as toast, I use a dusting of shavings on my kennel floors.
  15. I recon a reverse 3/4 would be a better dog than a straight gsd
  16. you miss understood I wasent saying you were wrong, my answer was independent of yours lol and that gravel is horrible.
  17. I have a big gravel yard where all my pups chase about full tilt and I have never had one with bad feet since I been here.
  18. when I was a kid allot of the men had whippets, and there was some real good ones mouching dawn and dusk, not fereters dogs good honest little workers one of my wife's uncles allways came back up the lane with sumat in the shopping bag, lol.
  19. once started a mini digger up and four or five jumped out. and another time one went down a farmers welly while he was in em he was about 6 foot 10 lol.
  20. these photo's are taken from above were you stood on a chare lol
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