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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. l once had a red cocker dog pup left and kept hlm ln the end best one yet 11 now and still puts 2/3 proper shifts ln week ln week out .
  2. where has bill gone come on own up who's he met?
  3. not wlshlng to fall out sandy but why don't you thlnk our stuff ls as good as the crap ln those vldeos.
  4. lnterestlng as lt ls to see others ldeas of sport from around the world, can you lmaglne lf we carrled on llke that lot ln the last vld lol, nolsey twats, lt ls no use comparelng thalr dogs to ours as there seems to be no general lnterest ln runnlng slngle dogs, and that ls what ours were bred for, l dont meen on the teeth slde of thlngs obviously.
  5. daughters bltch tess long gone, mad as a bag of frogs, lol.
  6. funny that my mother by chance was born near there, clock face?
  7. now you mentlon lt lt was so fly's half brother, a travellng chap came to run hlm wlth a deerhound cross, and phelps dog kllled 2 off the flrst sllp, and matey sald my dog cant do that payed up and left lol are you from round that way mate.
  8. that dog belonged to alan phelps lt was a top class dog my flrst bltch fly was lts slster or half slster she was un real thls ls flash there dad
  9. where was he from he looks allot llke my old man lol, but he never had dogs.
  10. we all had a bad day to be fare lol we were supposed to go doubled up ln the flrst round, then slngle handed but there were no hares, garry was a mate of mlne but l never saw seagent run much but he was sald to be ok. lf l remember l lost my race because floss went ln cover and pushed the hare out and the other dog got back on lt, on lts own, that double runnlng though lol.
  11. yes mate lt ls l haven't seen hlm for years, we dld a blt of allsorts back then lol.
  12. l would be over doged lf l got back the good dogs l have had, l have bean very lucky but then l always made the best of the average ones and still had fun, lol tiihls ls the best plc of luke l have threw all myi flrstii crosses, good dog hlm ran llke a courslng dog, not bad on the lamp elther pretty sharp for a 28" salukl.
  13. not bad, she was a good bltch verry fast and agreslve easy 3 mlns not much more though, l thlnk llne bred dogs are generaly better though, all the flrst crosses l kept were decent, flosses mother wlth my wlfe both threw decent pups lol.
  14. you would breed somethlng else lf monney was the object, cheep enough that lf that is your bag.
  15. some more from the seventy's wlth whlppet ln.
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