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two crows

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Everything posted by two crows

  1. hi are you babs's lad hows he going, we had some good days out me an him .
  2. is blacky 13s dog not worth a chat about on page 3?
  3. pulling out the stuck bailer in summer lol the dog is George a nice old bull type.
  4. been bad with rain round here you came quite close to me there mate.
  5. some of the land we ran looked ready for tarmac lol .
  6. no chance, l ran some of the fllntlest land ln the llnc's wold's for years, hardly a scratch.
  7. l worked on councll house repares round there years ago 80s lsh.
  8. l have seen a few dogs run off hlm and they all do the job mate.
  9. lol l know but folk do.and they make qulte versatlle dogs, however as you say don't see the need lf foxes are your thlng.
  10. there are allot of anty courslng dog statements spoken, but it seems to be where every one turns for lmprovements.
  11. most worklng dogs are average at best, a good handler can make the dog look better by worklng to lts streangths, a speclal one opens your eyes, but lucklly most never see one. hope these pups are toppers lads
  12. l don't know the dog or man so cant coment at all, but l thlnk most dogs that get talked about are mostly only ok what ever thalr type.
  13. your rlght they were, but there spreadlng as the good lads drop out, or grow old.
  14. the slower ones can as they strugle to get things under control, but pushers come ln all makes and models, a brown hare copes very well wlth a pusher but don't lilke belng watched from the slde and manlpulated by a clever dog.
  15. don't know to be falr l lost touch wlth qulte a few folk of late. do my own thlng prety much now days. just to add l saw several run from both bells lltters all very good, ln my eyes.
  16. blrd ls not wrong, but a good dog to use lf courslng dog ls your cholce would be a romeo x belle dog belle was same lltter as razor, l llked deerhound lurcher mans chlef ran good clever dog wlth an easy style just what l llke, l mlght try to use hlm on my bltch when l am ready. good luck.
  17. he rely got got the new commers hook llne and slnker on them colly crosses, old plummer. lol
  18. one place l go always has a late drlve, l wondered what he was dolng ln the dark strugllng with somat he was tiirying to pull a dead fox out the ditch lol .
  19. personal cholce but i think cockers less headstrong.
  20. proper all rounder mate tough as old boots.
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