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Everything posted by ajbritt

  1. He does mate mines a collie grey x deerhound grey what's breeding of yours pal
  2. How do u delete this thread I f****d up putting the photos on and have started a new one Cheers
  3. Few pictures of my two on there walks the black dogs in he's second season and the rough coated dog is coming up to 7 months the bottom pic is my dog and my mates saluki bull grey
  4. Reckon I'll go for the clulight I've got a striker and 22 amp lithium just want a lamp I can grab quick for a few rabbits
  5. wondering if any one uses one of these,the clulight is the same output and beam range as the tracer from what I've read only cheeper wanted to no if ones better than the other ? Cheers
  6. Found a nice spot for the dogs to have a little swim
  7. He looks well mate have u seen the parents or other litter work ?
  8. Do you no what the previous litter made tts ?
  9. Dno y everything keeps posting twice
  10. Yeah in mate I've got a collie x grey deerhound x grey quick as he is think I'm comparing him when he was a pup stupid I no totally different dogs
  11. Yeah in mate I've got a collie x grey deerhound x grey quick as he is think I'm comparing him when he was a pup stupid I no totally different dogs
  12. This is the brother of my pup out of last litter don't no what height he made
  13. I got him off a lad called joe tom terrier off here was advertising on behalf of him she's 5 months just under 21 tts and weighs 17kg been told both sire and dam are quick enough and r good honest dogs atb Adam
  14. I got him off a lad called joe tom terrier off here was advertising on behalf of him she's 5 months just under 21 tts and weighs 17kg been told both sire and dam are quick enough and r good honest dogs atb Adam
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