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About MK38MAGS

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  1. Welcome, new myself a little while back.
  2. Well, 3am and just climbing into bed. Took the week off work to spend time with the kids, but selfish me spent most of the time out shooting. After farmer daughter letting me know she had lost 15 chickens i spent most of the day trying some day time calling, to no avail. went back out at 11pm and nothing doing, lots of drizzle and poor visibility. i kept on saying to myself give it another 20 mins then turn in, gave it one last circuit and bingo, two pair of eyes, quietly setting myself up the charley bolted when gentle shining scope lamp low. Yet again no result. So going for a few hours
  3. Thanks Guys. I went out Tuesday night, had a fox in my scope at about 150 meters, pulled the trigger and missed, this is the 2nd consecutive miss. So i spent a few hours zeroing to find i was miles out, 3inch left and 2inch low at 100 meters, obviously knocked it at some point, (mounts and rail secure). only to then find out when travelling down from an old quarry when speaking to the farmers daughter, she had seen a big dark dog fox taking her chickens in broad daylight 3pm, while i was zeroing just half a mile away. (15 chickens are missing, i found feather in the cattle shed, seems
  4. Thanks for welcome. I was hoping to update you all with a foxing outing this morning, as I've been out for few hours as dawn broke, unfortunately (fortunately for the Fox) nothing to report. Stay tuned
  5. Hi all, Just a quick intoduction. So hello to all from MK38MAGS. A little about me. I hold a SGC & FAC. Current guns SG: Miruku MK38 Lincoln Premier Hatson Semi Auto FA: Rimington Semi auto .22lr Howa 1500 series .223 (st/st - black stock) (sonic 45 Mod) Air Rifles. HW77 .22 HW80 .22 HW80 .25 (carbide) HW45 .22 I like doing rough shooting, pigeons / Crows / Rabbits etc. Plenty of Foxing with the .223 (albeit not much over the last few month due to other commitemnts) I have never totted it up, but guess something like 3500 to 4000 acre's of pe
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