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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. darren g has finally lost it like really lost it. not of normal criminal element NONCE
  2. Batchwood ? Im there every day. could be sopwell?
  3. “Don’t say nothing Sal”
  4. Little bit of poo on your nose mate
  5. She looks like a goose and he looks like shergar
  6. You should join me might lose that quadruple chin!
  7. Like that carp kid all for bit free tackle
  8. 你他妈到底在干什么?
  9. There at the bottom lol but yeah bit extreme for a dog. ?
  10. Wi-Fi goes down cameras go down. lampost snippity snip cameras off
  11. Grebs banned for life anyone else get a message from “walshiesmrstakesitupthearse” said he keeps getting banned must of gave up making pages.
  12. Can only be a few people then surely only people who have your address and people who knew you was away ? a lot of the people who knew you was away and who have been to or know you address you must be able to eliminate as you know there not shit c**ts ect as you wouldn’t have them at your yard. so you must have a idea ? either that or was just a coincidence and was a random opportunist?
  13. I’ve got it mate can talk to them through camera and get notifications if there’s any movement around my house front and back. Also have a siren and lights built in. Cost me £800 to cover back and front of house. Good for delivery’s as well.
  14. Awkward eye contact. it’s only gay if you eye contact
  15. Yeah I reckon the same man slaughter he should of got think the charge was murder though ?
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