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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. f**k the albos and there euro weed
  2. Pal just came back from the dam said it’s not the same as a few years back gone to shit
  3. This is how it all started for Jeffrey dahmer
  4. When’s this big reset happening then ? Can’t wait to go back to the old days horses hunting foraging and allotments!
  5. They’re taking the piss out the p***y vids lol funny chap now dead rip
  6. We had one mrs got bored of waiting two cups two waits ? gave it to her sister, I like a whistling kettle but not allowed to have one ?
  7. Well here we have top end Bugatti kettle which isn’t that dear. then we have a kettle which might suit you better Ken the SMEG kettle
  8. No chance! he’s shit British level at best
  9. Always make sure kids ones are off there fuckers though for switching em back on
  10. Got a good truck for sale if anyone’s looking 125 psi 65 plate 55k on the clock drives faultless £16500 there going for 18-20k plus vat online ??
  11. Always grafting mate fair play, me on the other hand I’ve been subbing all my jobs out and doing nothing ?
  12. Why hasn’t someone set up a charity thl boxing match? would be great and everyone can shake hands after and restore there livelihood (max)
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