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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. Seen this on Facebook what animal owns it ?
  2. Mentioning him again maxxy
  3. Watched it last night mate, what did you take from it ? bit of a strange one ?
  4. This sites like a secondary school
  5. Fair play to em ?? worth a shot but got greedy
  6. A lot of these serial killers end up with fans lol it’s mad I suppose some weird c**ts find that interesting? he defo wasn’t insane he knew exactly what he was doing funny how he got killed with a barbell aswell didn’t he ?
  7. The guy drilled deep into a 14 years old head and filled it with acid in an attempt to make him a zombie sex slave. Didn’t work so he ate him sick man
  8. What the queer scenes ? I fast forwarded the batty boy stuff apart from that it was good. Just started new one on there about him and his recorded tapes
  9. Who feck lives on a Petrol station forecourt
  10. It’s only a few stabbings
  11. Forehead? He’s got a fivehead
  12. You think he’d be used to max by now amount of worms he deals with daily
  13. maybe it’s someone else doing his royal duties whilst he sits at home slinging one up camilla
  14. If they weren’t Stamped no one would find out if you kept your mouth shut and gave it out to trustworthy people.
  15. One of Max’s lost balls
  16. Brings the test back down to normal levels dont it ?
  17. Ken deputy’s basement ?
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