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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. Old age mate will get us all one day then we’ll be geriatric cry babys to
  2. Whinging is all I hear from em Victor meldrews the lot of em
  3. Maybe all the old miserable c**ts should f**k off to bed ?
  4. Your god damn right it is rat features
  5. Should watch his Netflix programme he literally come from shit good luck to him in this clip he had f**k all and this song went triple platinum
  6. Personally I like the guy and his music
  7. Some one said why did you wear white lives matter shirts and he said because they do. guys comical and said what needs to be said
  8. He’s worth around 300 million since gap Balenziaga and adidas and the rest dropped him
  9. He wore a white lives matter t shirt this is what sparked it all off. then he pointed out that Jews basically run the world and why is that okay ? why can’t blacks and white Christian’s own record labels tv production ect ect he’s not far wrong he’s just very animated and passionate and sick of Jews making a killing off black rap culture and as soon as someone Mentions it they are cancelled
  10. It means f**k all 3rd world isn’t running anything, he will be out soon enough and it will be another wanker more than likely white, nothing is going to change now that he is pm it will be same old shite as it is now. life in England is great ??
  11. Honest to god I did too mate
  12. It means if your going to do something then do it don’t hesitate ?? cannonball style ?
  13. He’s a nice Hindu man!
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