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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. Il probably never be able to lift that mate can you ?
  2. not at all , I’ve not read the thread where are you going ?
  3. Head over to Acton it’s lovely make sure to visit southall also !
  4. @keepdiggin has been waiting for this to come on he’ll be chuffed
  5. Yes mate between sets I’m on it, and need it to take work calls
  6. She looks more like Naomi cambell than Naomi cambell
  7. It’s madness mate, then a burglar or drug dealer will get 8 years
  8. Didn’t even get jail. Found with child porn n all, should been killed on the spot he also let max penetrate him and his friend
  9. Sorry to hear that happened to you mate
  10. Yeah pissing down and 40mph winds here perfect carp conditions ?
  11. I’m lucky to of been stuck on the m1 on way home from school run since 8:45
  12. Max does this everyday, chases women into the North Sea
  13. Can’t knock his dedication
  14. I’ve reported for cyber bullying multiple times I even report my friends
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