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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. Well done Argentina, who saw the bird with her tits out in the crowd ?
  2. Look how thick the ice is that was on top of my pond!!!
  3. Bored so here’s some of what I have been eating ?
  4. Imagine all the kids and baby’s who had this against there will
  5. What f***ing sops no sympathy for them they were warned
  6. Can’t see it mate hope it’s nice
  7. We was out in Brentwood and my brother in law lost his 15k Rolex ? last sighting of it was a pic of us and he had it on. that night I had my head out the window of the cab being sick lol when I got home it had all dryed to the guys merc ??
  8. Some real ancient ones in the church by me il take a few pics when I die
  9. I’ve 6 kids and we’ve done it 6 times ?
  10. I’ve spent thousands on carp fishing bits it don’t make me catch anymore but I tell you what I’m comfortable on the bank and all this stuff is like a set of golf clubs or a air rifle if looked after properly will last you a life time!
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