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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. This was me last night kids loved it this morn
  2. Haven’t smoked all year think gonna smoke one today
  3. Didn’t know you was Albanian ?
  4. Kefir, Weetabix and a banana for me this morning.
  5. Just ordered 6 blue pallets sweet lads
  6. Just asked the mrs if Santa is emptying his sack tonight. not looking promising
  7. What’s the best wood to burn for smell?
  8. Yeah he shit himself as well
  9. Up at 6 if I’m lucky probably 5 ! kids will open presents then chill for a bit in-laws will arrive then leave, down to my old girls for dinner then back home and chill. done
  10. Wilf will be cutting about somewhere no doubt
  11. I got married in 2015 and had a full head fast forward it was gone by 2020 still grows so quick but have to shave it off once a week. Or looks like when you drop a lolly pop on the carpet ?
  12. I had kfc so shits for me in morning
  13. Is that Rishi Sunak even present as a prime minister?? I’ve dropped out all social media apart from this so spose haven’t seen anything that’s the reason why ?
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