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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. my kind of man....... ldv or transit........ Lol transit tipper all the way
  2. Id have a pint with bosun and paulus not walshie as he would get up and leave half way through lol that matt rat fella sound aswell
  3. RM is defo worth more than Baw You sure ? Lol
  4. My worst job was roofing hate heights and wouldnt get off the ladder onto the roof boss told me go home and was more than happy too boss pulls up outside next morning petting the hooter .... Roll over back to sleep lol now drive a truck and do scrap metal.waste clearance rubbish jobs ect self employed have time off when I want and no boss or set hours lovely for me cos im a lazy bustard when it come to work
  5. Has baw made a comeback yet I heard hes on the prowl
  6. Mine eat beta greyhound biscuit everyday with mix veg. Pasta. sardines. Meat. And mine look. shit and work fine. I no alot others who just feed complete and thats it. There dogs work well too each to there own
  7. Do you need a towing licence these days for a trailer
  8. Absolute shoite! Still boys hunting and that is plain! They love it the same as us therefore it's human nature not taught bullshit about some man in the sky Wonder what techniques they use for punishment
  9. Yeh see he was walking with lurchers before
  10. A good fight travis deserved it. Hope he beats big nose ajisafe
  11. I never saw a beddy x that didnt yap
  12. Good watch what a simple life
  13. Carpet. Thin blanket from. Charity shop
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