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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. I was wOnderIng whEN gaymin was going to pop out wOod work haha you still dOg.sitting fOr me paL
  2. Who does it??... and i heard it can be bad for digestion ?? Would it be better to mix pasta in to replace kibble ? Cheers lads
  3. Have you thought about getting the bitch spayed
  4. Aload of feckwits what a Barrell of shit .. Haha glad i keep chihuahuas
  5. Gaz your puncuation.is.impeccable. And nice one nl 15 hour shifts god you must be tired we lad
  6. no reason to ban him not as if he used txt talk or anything just a we misunderstandingGive over youpmsl over what Highlighting me spelling mistakes aha
  7. you remind me of another one that use to be on here lurcherman1987 lol lol wrong!! Lucherman887
  8. dont worry tou wont be asked to,lol some cattle come too late to be processed for pet food,they get incinerated,as you see by my barrell,the meat I get is fresh and red ,thats all I care about,the green stuff can go wherever they see fit,So you do it yourself then Jig'?? What's the smell like when the knife goes in?? Iron
  9. no reason to ban him not as if he used txt talk or anything just a we misunderstanding Give over you
  10. Cheers all terrain mate..... How.did u guess leegreen lol and yeah paulus took the pic do a bit fishing on weekends we do
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