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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. Sounds nice then going out there next year aslong as it not like egypt it be ok lol
  2. Apolagies ross deeply regret them words
  3. Whats food like in greece if anyone been ? Egypt was shit turkey was lovely
  4. Why all the wee men so touchy today be happy your going to be independent pmsl
  5. Who are you telling me to f**k off ya big mongboy
  6. Northenlite will have to be frontline! Then your f****d lol
  7. What if we go war we wont protect you either
  8. Looks like scotland getting the euro lmao
  9. Swanky lol hope you get the shits
  10. It was a one off wee man lol yes fish tonight good idea nl
  11. Dont want much do you who in there right mind would sell a dog like that
  12. You get this with other foods? I had a bad belly after certain goods. Then my cousin got tested and was found to have celiac diesease. Said it can run in the family. Cut gluten out my diet and won't ever go back tbh. Just pizza hut dominoes mate
  13. Thought it was just me lol in the thai restaurent now lol
  14. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_-0yzhjEVFA
  15. The big toe will need to be cut in sections lol id imagine his socks are all ripped
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