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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. What about a plot on your local travvelers site walshie
  2. Samsung shit. Ipad air you want
  3. Nice yeah shes full of life lol she looks bigger you up for a walk soon?? One morning ?
  4. good point , having had lurchers 30 years now, and was brought up with heinz57s, bull breeds from a kid, so been round dogs of all types+sizes for long while. I don't know what it is , but never seem to get the same attachment to a lurcher type dog , as what I did with the other breeds of dogs we kept back then. maybe it the temperament or the look of average type lurcher, but what ever it is I deff had more of better attachment to the other type dogs. I ve had few lurchers get hurt even killed out hunting, ok felt sad and sick at the time, but got another lurcher and thought no more o
  5. What church you working in tommrow lol
  6. Hard work them tablets easiest one to use is ipad we got a sansung one here what a load of shoite it is
  7. Sounds nice then going out there next year aslong as it not like egypt it be ok lol
  8. Apolagies ross deeply regret them words
  9. Whats food like in greece if anyone been ? Egypt was shit turkey was lovely
  10. Why all the wee men so touchy today be happy your going to be independent pmsl
  11. Who are you telling me to f**k off ya big mongboy
  12. Northenlite will have to be frontline! Then your f****d lol
  13. What if we go war we wont protect you either
  14. Looks like scotland getting the euro lmao
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