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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. Bit of company for each other mine are kenneled to gether and they do fine atb with your pup mate
  2. Get him outside then mate and scruff and pin him when he growls show him who boss. Try feeding him out your hand a bit build his trust again
  3. He growling at your kids? Think he needs rehoming again or pts. Hope he dont attack your kids atb
  4. Same here lol often just think to myself I'm nothing like you lot. Hearing how easy it was inside from a mate who's not exactly the hardest of people. I know its the wrong thing to say but if the chance came my way to earn some decent money I'd risk it n f**k working off.
  5. Pmsl just told mrs put 872 on quick!! Lol ye fecker
  6. Im.sure you have some tricks for that behavioir mushroom
  7. Lol kin ell put your handbag away socks
  8. Oh and come to london you will see much worse just seen a tramp in bond street with his "knob" out and was me or my wife offended no we laughed it off and went on our way..... I suppose you lads would be offended going into the gym changing rooms then lmao
  9. Yes mate someone.i.no onit for getting his knob out [bANNED TEXT] he was drunk You say "got his knob out", the police say "indecent exposure", and in their experience it often leads to more serious offences. Would it still be 'something silly' if he'd done it in front of your daughter or wife ................. ? Feck noes and dont know if kids would be in a pup middle of the night and tbh i dont give a feck as it wernt me was some drunken foolishness just merely pointed out that yes people are on it for the wrong reasons thanks
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