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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. The rarth? Is that where to ira disappeared to? ?
  2. We need a riot destroy everything and drive us back 150 years. Back to basic simple life.
  3. Can see myself getting a detector as a little side hobby one day.
  4. Good result that well done to him. Consistency is the key.
  5. Obviously the temps in Mexico are extremely high. Sure that’s probably the reason it looks so shite. That and bad genetics.
  6. Fecking benders always whinging and crying, no one cares. dirty people imo
  7. Bush weed riddled with seeds I bet
  8. Same mate some people can’t see the light !
  9. Soon most will Be either gay lesbian or trannies or in mixed race relationships. depopulation is an actual thing this ain’t some silly conspiracy this is actually happening. pushed by your favourite rapper/musician/actor/actress every tv advert is so over represented it’s unreal. it’s not accurate that every person is on a mixed relationship. So why is it so over exaggerated? Bent lesbian trans mixed race relationship or making young women sluts via music videos cardi b Nicki Minaj types. Doomed
  10. They want them out because they are speaking out on what’s happening with the demasculation of young boys theses days, 1 in 5 are now lesbian bent or trans they say this is the gayest generation EVER. peterson and tate are telling young men to work out keep fit and strong and be a man. Not one of these faggoty weak types which are everywhere today. peterson is a very clever individual and knows exactly what the queer agenda is about.
  11. Oh yeah I forgot LONDON doesn’t run England. ?? roll on mate ffs
  12. You wouldn’t survive down here mate your right to be scared ?
  13. Oi f***ing lovely London is
  14. Hope you brought the stab proof vest !
  15. The man who found 159 Roman coins in Sandridge had been using a metal detector for the first time when he made the discovery. Stroke of luck
  16. See a geezer metal detecting other day on farmers fields in St Albans. Bet there’s some stuff to be had there all over Roman verulum. They recently found some big finds
  17. I had an air rifle, someone reported me for shooting rabbits and my house got raided at 5 in the morning by armed police. they found a bit of smoke some cash which I had to explain, seized my bit of Tom and cash and the gun. Arrested for trespassing with intent to cause fear lol got my Tom and bit of scratch back but they kept the gun, still on my record now and if ever pulled they ask what’s the firearm tag about, never again
  18. Going to concerts is a form Of idol worship which is prohibited under Christian law
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