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lurcherman 887

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Everything posted by lurcherman 887

  1. Krays would be small fry these days
  2. Tescos and the Like are empty but all the local green grocers are FULL so support the greengrocers
  3. Funny as Herts and London was rated two of the safest parts of the uk.
  4. Because it’s not the shit hole you lot preach it is ? as you can see up norths the worse shit hole
  5. Doom and gloom on here tonight
  6. Tell you what tho some of the best nights sleep I have are when I’m fishing on my own on the lake.
  7. They do work I just can’t have any background noise or who knows someone could be kicking the door in whilst im listening to whale noises ?
  8. Heartburn and acid reflux is nothing to do with the heart. Will just be a symptom of indigestion. Need to eliminate foods that cause it and it will Go away.
  9. Do it myself now and enjoy it, sign of getting old.
  10. Yep she’s the least of our worries
  11. Cheers khan you curry mouthed cnut
  12. Now you’ve to remember your teeth your pants and your hearing aids!
  13. whatever happened to proper tough men like these two ? is it safe to say the older generations were tougher ? tough times create tough people type of stuff
  14. Confirmed it’s her on news (obviously)
  15. Makes you sick don’t it dirty animals
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